Health TopicsBrain health and the nervous system

Brain health and the nervous system

Find out everything you need to know about your brain and nervous system.


4 Foods Your Brain Will Love
Nourish yourself for better brainpower.


How to Respond to the Signs of a Stroke
It’s crucial to act quickly before it's too late.


Can You Recognize the Signs of a Stroke?
Quiz yourself to see how well you can recognize the symptoms of a stroke.


Are Multiple Concussions a Problem?
Years ago, experts weren't sure if multiple concussions led to structural damage to the brain. NINDS...


Questions When Starting a New Therapy for CIDP
Understanding the basics of treatment for CIDP, and what to ask a healthcare provider when starting ...


Should You Seek a Second Opinion for CIDP?
Many people with CIDP choose to seek a second opinion. Here are a few questions to ask to help make ...


3 Simple Ways to Boost Your Brain Health
Amp up your brainpower with these expert-approved activities.


Making Sense of the Research on Alcohol and Brain Health
A glass a day may not be so harmless after all. Here's what to know about how alcohol can affect you...


Questions When Choosing a Medication to Treat Epilepsy
Information about choosing an antiepileptic drug (AED), for adults with epilepsy and parents of chil...


9-minute meditation for intracranial hypertension
Intracranial hypertension is a build-up of pressure around the brain. This meditation will help you ...