Eating disorders

Find out everything you need to know about eating disorders, including symptoms, treatment, causes, management and more.


What are other specified feeding or eating disorders (OSFED)
Mike Dow, PsyD, explains the term "other specified feeding or eating disorders" (OSFED) and describe...


How to manage emotional eating
Start by identifying your triggers.


What you need to know about bulimia
Learn about the eating disorder and why people binge and purge.


What are the symptoms of food addiction?
Symptoms of food addiction include thinking about food constantly, allowing food to interfere with l...


Is an eating disorder a disease?
Learn about eating disorders and how it effects the mind and body.


Why do we eat when we're sad?
If you aren't aware that you're doing something habitually, you will continue to do it on autopilot....


What role do emotions play in binge eating?
Emotions play a huge role in binge eating and there is often some kind of childhood trauma behind th...


How can I curb emotional eating?
Watch as Dr. Mike Dow discusses why emotional eating is an issue and how you can curb it.


What are the possible signs of disordered eating?
Addiction specialist Mike Dow, PsyD, explains the term 'disordered eating' and discusses the red fla...


How do eating disorders affect the body?
Psychiatrist and eating disorder specialist Dr. Michael Pertschuk explains how eating disorders affe...