Food allergies

Find out everything you need to know about food allergies, including symptoms, treatment, causes, management and more.


Everything you need to know about common food allergies
For millions of people, an everyday snack could be dangerous, and perhaps even fatal.


What you need to know about peanut allergies
When a single peanut is potentially fatal, you have to be prepared.


5 answers about food allergies
What causes food allergies, how food allergies are treated, and three conditions related to food all...


The difference between food allergy and food intolerance
While food allergies and food intolerances can cause similar symptoms, the underlying causes are dif...


Can food additives cause allergic reactions?
Allergic reactions and intolerances to food additives are uncommon, but reactions can and do occur.


What are the treatment options for food allergies?
A look at avoiding triggers, preparing for emergencies, and therapies that can help control food all...


Emerging treatments for food allergies
What’s available now and what may be available in the near future for treating food allergies.


How food allergies can affect mental health
How to recognize when food allergies are affecting your mental health—and what to do if they are.


5 answers about adult-onset food allergies
An overview of the common food allergies in adults, why food allergies require a professional diagno...


Changing treatment for food allergies
Questions to review with your healthcare provider when you are prescribed a new therapy for food all...