Self-care with metastatic breast cancer

Updated on October 23, 2024.

Self-care is key during treatment for cancer. Activities like exercise, conversation with family and friends, and hobbies can help take your mind off of a diagnosis.


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Hey, Dr. Funk, what are some ways that patients can take care of themselves while treating metastatic breast cancer?
A cancer diagnosis can certainly be overwhelming. But it doesn't mean all hope is lost. There are effective cancer treatments available today
that help people live full and productive lives. Metastatic breast cancer, also known as MBC,
is a form of breast cancer that can affect the brain, liver, bones, lung, or elsewhere in the body. Metastatic breast cancer can be treated in several ways.
Chemotherapy, radiation, hormonal therapy are just a few of the options available. The goal of cancer care is to control the cancer
as long as possible while providing the highest quality of life. If you're undergoing treatment for metastatic breast cancer,
here are a few tips to help you take care of yourself. Number one, stay active. Exercise in just about any form can reduce stress
and help keep your body strong. Of course, before starting any new exercise regimen or routine, you should talk to your doctor
to make sure it's safe for you. Number two, talk about it. Sometimes it helps to speak about what
you're going through. It could be as simple as talking with friends and family about your feelings, or you could join a support group
or meet with a professional therapist. Number three, take up a hobby. Try something new or do more of what you already love.
Activities like cooking, painting, dancing, or writing can help reduce stress and take your mind off the negative effects of treatment.
Number four, practice mindfulness. With a cancer diagnosis, your mind may be racing with fear, anxiety, confusion.
Some cancer centers provide stress management classes where you can learn mindfulness skills.
Practicing mindfulness can help provide you with a more positive perspective on living with MBC.
Of course, those aren't the only ways you can take care of yourself. You might also try massage therapy, spending time with furry friends,
and purposefully incorporating laughter into your life. There's a lot to keep track of when treating MBC.

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