Learn the facts about chemotherapy

Here’s what to expect during each part of treatment.

Woman with cancer looking out of a bright window before chemotherapy treatment

Updated on June 18, 2024.

Chemotherapy (chemo) is a type of cancer treatment. It uses drugs to kill cancer cells or slow their growth.

The treatment can have many unpleasant side effects. But knowing what to expect and being prepared can help ease your mind.

How chemotherapy works
Chemotherapy drugs can be intravenous (IV). That means they are injected into a vein. They can also be oral drugs, taken through the mouth.

The treatment kills healthy cells along with cancer cells. That can cause side effects. These may include the following.

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss

The type of chemotherapy you receive depends on:

  • The type of cancer you have
  • The stage of your cancer
  • Your health
  • Your wants and needs
  • Your healthcare team’s suggestions

Most people receive IV treatment. It often happens at a hospital or another medical facility. It usually takes place over a few weeks or months.

Some people have more than one treatment. They may get an IV along with oral drugs.

Preparing for chemotherapy
The idea of having cancer treatment affects people in different ways. It’s natural to feel emotions like anger and worry.

One way to help stay calm is by bringing a friend or loved one to medical visits. They can do the following.

  • Keep you company
  • Take notes
  • Ask questions
  • Learn new information

Staying organized is also helpful. Use a binder to keep paper in order. Try a paper calendar or app to write down appointments. These include visits for chemotherapy as well as:

  • Blood tests
  • Radiation treatments, which use high-dose x-rays
  • Surgeries

An app can also help you keep track of your medications.

What to bring to treatment
Wear comfortable clothes. Your shirts should have short sleeves or buttons that allow easy access for the injection.

You may also want to pack a bag that includes the following.

Water: It’s important to get enough fluids. Water is best. It prepares your body for the effects of chemo. It may also help lower your risk of issues like nausea and constipation. Constipation is when you have trouble pooping.

Healthy snacks: Eat foods that are good for your body. This helps keep your energy up and protects against infection. Ask your healthcare team what foods are okay to eat. Popular choices include:

  • Fruit
  • Trail mix
  • Cheese sticks
  • Peanut butter

Something to do: Treatment may take a few hours. Have something to do while you pass the time.

  • Read books and magazines.
  • Listen to music on headphones and music.
  • Bring a tablet for watching movies or playing games.

Blanket and a pillow: Treatment rooms can feel cold. IV fluids can make the cold worse. Bring a blanket to stay warm and a pillow for comfort. Cozy socks are a good idea, too.

Lip balm and skin cream: Chemo can dry your lips and skin. Try hypoallergenic moisturizers. They may be gentler on sensitive skin and better for lips.

Chemotherapy side effects
Chemo can cause many side effects. You may only have a few sometimes. Or, you may have several at the same time. They can range from mild to severe. Sometimes, you’ll be given a prescription drug to help prevent or relieve them.

Some of the most common side effects include the following.

Fatigue. Almost everyone becomes very tired during chemo. It’s often worst right after treatment and gets better over time. The next treatment starts the cycle again. 

To ease fatigue, try:

  • Extra rest
  • Physical activity
  • Massage
  • Therapy
  • Eating a healthy diet as you are able

Listen to your body to figure out what it needs. Talk to your healthcare team, too. They can give you more ideas. They may adjust medications that might be making you tired.

Nausea. Feeling queasy or vomiting is another common side effect. In most cases, you’ll be given medicine by your HCP. They can also suggest ways to settle your stomach. 

To ease symptoms, you can also try:

  • Eating small snacks and meals through the day
  • Avoiding spicy, fatty, or greasy foods
  • Eating bland foods like crackers
  • Sucking on hard candy or popsicles
  • Sipping drinks slowly over time

On treatment days, think about having a small snack before you begin.

Issues with immunity. Chemotherapy can hurt your body’s ability to fight infections. Your healthcare team will give you information during your first visit on what to do if this happens. If you have a fever at any point, contact your HCP right away.

To help stay healthy:

  • Wash your hands more often.
  • Stay away from other people who may be sick. This is very important in the 7 to 14 days after treatment. That’s when you’re more open to infection.
  • Don’t share forks, knives, cups, toothbrushes, and other items you put in your mouth.

Other common side effects of chemotherapy include the following.

  • Anemia, or low red blood cells
  • Bruising and bleeding issues
  • Constipation, or when you have trouble pooping
  • Diarrhea, or loose and watery poop
  • Changes in urine, bladder, or kidneys
  • Changes in appetite
  • Weight loss or gain 
  • Issues with sex drive, sexual function, and/or fertility
  • Problems with mental focus, often called “chemo brain”
  • Mood swings
  • Sores and pain in the mouth and/or throat
  • Skin and/or nail changes
  • Weakness, numbness, tingling, pain, and other nerve troubles, often in the hands and/or feet

Hair loss and chemotherapy
Chemo medications may cause hair loss for a time. Not all of them do. But this can be one of the hardest side effects for some people.

Hair loss often begins within weeks of starting treatment. It can affect the hair on the:

  • Head
  • Face
  • Legs
  • Arms

A cooling cap may help reduce hair loss. It’s designed for patients with any kind of solid tumor. A solid tumor is a cancer that does not affect the blood. 

If you lose your hair, your healthcare team may be able to help you find a low-cost or free wig or headgear.

Another option is taking a class like Look Good Feel Better. It’s offered by the American Cancer Society (ACS). The ACS is a group that helps people with cancer. In these classes, a beauty professional gives tips on how to:

  • Apply makeup
  • Care for your skin
  • Use wigs or hairpieces

How friends and family can help
Going through chemotherapy can be a challenge. But getting the help of friends and family can make it much easier. Try your best to ask for help. Accept it when offered. When your friends and family ask about what they can do, make suggestions. Maybe they can:

  • Bring over meals
  • Keep you company
  • Help with the kids if you have them
  • Help with housework
  • Just listen

Talk with an HCP if you have more questions about treatment or side effects.

Article sources open article sources

National Cancer Institute. Chemotherapy to Treat Cancer. Reviewed August 23, 2022.
Cancer.net. What to Expect When Having Chemotherapy. Approved April 2021.
Roswell Park. Chemo Checklist: Tips to Get Through Treatment. June 24, 2015.
City of Hope. 13 items to bring to your chemotherapy infusion treatment. November 17, 2022.
American Cancer Society. Chemotherapy Side Effects. Last revised May 1, 2020.
American Cancer Society. What is Fatigue or Weakness? Last revised February 1, 2020.
American Cancer Society. Managing Fatigue or Weakness. Last revised February 1, 2020.
National Health Service (UK). Side Effects Chemotherapy. Last reviewed May 25, 2023. 
American Cancer Society. Managing Nausea and Vomiting at Home. Last revised September 10, 2020.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. What You Need to Know: Neutropenia and Risk for Infection. Accessed June 30, 2023.
Mayo Clinic. Peripheral neuropathy. August 11, 2022.
National Cancer Institute. FDA Clears Wider Use of Cooling Cap to Reduce Hair Loss during Chemotherapy. Jul 2017.

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