
9 sunscreen mistakes you don't have to make

woman applying sunscreen on beach
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You already know that it’s important to wear sunscreen—one Australian study even found that daily sunscreen use could reduce the risk of melanoma by as much as half. Even still, a 2015 study revealed most Americans are still not using sunscreen regularly.

What you may not know is that if you’re not applying sunscreen correctly, you could still be puttingShow More

woman shopping for sunscreen in pharmacy
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Choosing the Wrong SPF

A higher number doesn't always mean better protection when it comes to SPF. SPF refers to how much sun exposure is needed to burn skin wearing sunscreen vs. skin without it. But according to the Environmental Working Group, high SPFs offer only slightly better protection than their lower SPFShow More

woman applying broad spectrum sunscreen
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Bypassing Broad Spectrum

For the best in sunscreen protection, you should be looking for bottles or sprays labeled broad-spectrum.

Broad-spectrum sunscreen protects against both types of UV rays:

  • UVA rays cause premature skin aging and penetrate deeper levels of skin tissue. These types of rays also generate free radicals
  • Show More
young woman reapplying sunscreen after a swim
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Thinking One Application Lasts All Day

Applying sunscreen once isn’t enough if you’re going to be outside most of the day. Sunscreen begins to break down after a couple of hours, usually from sweating, swimming or being toweled off. If you plan to be outside for several hours, experts recommend applying an ounce—about the amount to fillShow More

Young woman apply cream on her smooth tanned legs
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Applying Sunscreen Too Late

If you’ve already got your toes in the sand while you’re applying your sunscreen, you may have missed the mark.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), for sunscreen to be most effective, it needs to be applied 15 to 30 minutes before you head outdoors. That gives theShow More

Couple Playing with Dog
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Passing on Sun Protection When It's Cloudy

Sunny days aren’t the only ones that can cause skin damage. Up to 40 percent of the sun’s damaging rays can reach you on cloudy days. And even if you’re inside, office and car windows still allow up to 75 percent of damaging UVA rays to pass through and harm skin. According to one study referencedShow More

Young Woman Applying Lip Balm
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Skipping Your Lips (and Other Spots)

Arms, legs, shoulders and noses usually get slathered with sunscreen when we head outside, but there are other spots prone to burning that we tend to miss. Areas like the ears, feet, hands, back of the neck, scalp and lips get overlooked in sunscreen application.

Even backs get skipped—Show More

man spraying on sunscreen
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Guys, Thinking You Don't Need It

Fellas, it doesn’t matter if you’re mowing the lawn or playing a round at the golf course, you should still protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun.

Only 5 percent of you wear sunscreen daily, and based on a survey by the Skin Cancer Foundation, 50 percent hadn't used it at all in theShow More

Woman applying makeup in compact mirror
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Using Makeup As Adequate Sun Protection

Ladies, even if your favorite makeup comes with SPF, it doesn’t mean your skin is completely protected from the sun.

Many cosmetics have added SPF, and while this is better than no protection at all, it’s not really adequate for sparing your skin from the sun’s UV rays. The sunscreen in makeup isn’Show More

Mom applying sunscreen lotion on daughter's face
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Kids' Sun Protection

Fifteen minutes is all it takes for the sun to damage unprotected skin, according to the CDC. This is especially dangerous for kids because they have more delicate skin than adults and it’s more susceptible to harmful UV rays.

Even though it’s hard to track down squirmy kids and apply sunscreen, itShow More

senior woman speaking to a dermatologist
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Speak to an Expert About Sun Protection

Warm-weather months are a great time to get outside and enjoy the sun; just remember to be safe.

Keep an eye on your skin for unusual marks or moles, and schedule an appointment with your doctor if you notice any potential signs or symptoms of skin cancer. Also, be proactive about prevention. TheShow More

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