
Is breastfeeding right for you? 8 facts to help you decide

Do you have to change your diet? And how long should you nurse? Here are the answers.

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Breastfeeding is recommended for most newborns by most major health organizations, including the World Health Organization, American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). And for good reason: Breastfeeding offers a wide range of benefits to both lactating parent and newborn. In fact, more than 75 percent of new parentsShow More

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It’s a health boost for baby

You may have heard the saying “breast is best.” But why? There are a slew of health benefits to breastfeeding:

  • Breast milk has optimal amounts of fat, sugar, water, protein, and minerals that an infant needs during crucial growth and development stages. In fact, breast milk will actually change as
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It’s a health boost for you, too!

In addition to all of the major health benefits breastfeeding has for your baby, you’ll reap some benefits, too. Breastfeeding encourages the release of oxytocin, the hormone that controls uterine contractions, which can help your uterus recover and get back to its normal size faster.

BreastfeedingShow More

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It’s not always easy—and that’s normal

Many women are able to breastfeed without any problems. But others will have some issues, many of which can resolve themselves. As you can imagine, your body needs to adjust to many changes—including one that requires milk production. Here are some of the issues you and your newborn may need toShow More

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It’s super convenient

One of the beauties of breastfeeding is that you can do it anytime and just about anywhere—and it does save money on formula.

The convenience can come in handy when your newborn is hungry and you’re out to dinner or running errands. Your milk is always the right temperature, which helps keep yourShow More

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You’ll bond with your baby

Breastfeeding can help you become closer—both physically and emotionally—to your baby. In general, physical contact (whether you breastfeed or not) can comfort your newborn and help them feel safe and warm, says Plewa.

But that’s not all: skin-to-skin contact also increases milk supply, which is a good thing. 

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How long you breastfeed depends on you and your baby

Every woman (and every baby!) is different, so a timeline that works for one mother may not work for another. Not only that, but your baby may start to wean earlier than you planned, so you may have to adjust your plan.

In general, and if you are able, exclusive breastfeeding (meaning only breastShow More

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A healthy diet is good for you and your baby

Your baby is getting her nutrients from your breast milk, so it makes sense that what you eat can affect your baby’s health. It’s important that you take in enough calories—your body will need about 450 to 500 calories just to make milk for your baby. If are within normal weight, you’ll want toShow More

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It takes time to get in a groove

Pregnancy and childbirth are very joyous times in your life, but remember that you’re going to experience many emotional and physical changes. If you have trouble breastfeeding, that’s totally normal. For example, your baby may have trouble latching on, or become frustrated if the colostrum doesn’tShow More

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