Health TopicsdiabetesDiabetes prevention

Diabetes prevention

Get the facts about type 2 diabetes prevention and learn how to prevent gestational diabetes, from tweaking your diet to getting more exercise.


Although you can’t completely eliminate your risk of getting diabetes, there may be some things you can do to help reduce your risk of developing certain types.

Can you reduce your risk of getting type 2 diabetes? What about gestational diabetes?

The lifestyle changes that may lower your risk of getting diabetes may be simpler to adopt than you think. In fact, you may already be using several diabetes prevention techniques without even knowing it.

Speak with your healthcare provider (HCP) about what those may entail, as well as your concerns, risk factors, and any other issues that may affect your ability to undertake any type 2 diabetes prevention measures, including those related to gestational diabetes.

How to prevent type 2 diabetes

Woman walking and smiling in a forest path.

It's no secret that walking and other forms of exercise can go a long way toward keeping you fit. But what about preventing diabetes? Are there foods or eating styles that can also help prevent type 2 diabetes? Keep reading to find more information on how to prevent diabetes and what topics you might want to address with your HCP.

How to prevent gestational diabetes

Pregnant woman choosing between healthy snacks and unhealthy snacks.

When it comes to gestational diabetes, prevention isn't guaranteed. But can you reduce your risk by living healthfully before and during your pregnancy? See what the experts have to say about the role a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables can play in preventing gestational diabetes, along with the benefits of exercising and maintaining a healthy weight.

As with any health matter, it's important to speak with your HCP about reducing your risk of developing gestational diabetes. Because every person and every situation is unique, your HCP can help you understand what will work best for you.

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