Updated on October 16, 2024
Mitch is a type 2 diabetes patient who has found success managing diabetes with injectable medications. In this video, he shares his diabetes journey.
[MUSIC PLAYING] MITCH: I was first diagnosed with diabetes a little over 20 years ago.
And I was feeling tired all the time. I was peeing a lot. And I had a lot of white splotches in my vision.
We went to the doctor and the doctor said that you had diabetes. They sent me over to a nutritionist.
And the nutritionist started talking about all of these side symptoms that I had-- almost thought she was psychic,
the way that she was rattling them off. I didn't feel very well in any part of my health.
My diabetic journey with my A1C, I first remember it being around the nine number, approaching 10.
The way-- the way they put it to me was in terms of my mortality. The further we were away from the five to six range,
the higher the incidence of serious problems like heart attack and stroke.
With medication over time-- some wins and some losses-- we were able to get that down to 5.2.
Sequential therapy can help someone with diabetes just trying to find that sweet spot with the--
with the medications. I was taken off the insulin and-- and put on a pill regimen. And they put me on the injectable.
And the injectable, that lowered my A1C and helped me keep my--
my daily and weekly goals of blood sugar regulation. Before I started taking my injectable,
I was having a hard time maintaining my weight and controlling my blood sugar with just diet and pill
regimen. The injectable really did help my body process sugars a lot better. I am 52 years old.
And I have started a new career late in life. I'm an actor. I'm having the time of my life.
I wish I had found this years earlier. In my career, they tend to cater a lot of food. I've got to really consider what I'm taking into my body
at all times. And I've got to be on top of my medication. And sometimes, that means taking myself away from--
from a certain temptation. So I would want other people to know that--
not to put social pressures on people with type-2 diabetes. [MUSIC PLAYING]