The superfruit you may not know

Try something different. Add a little lychee to your fruit salad. Not only will it add an exotic tickle for your taste buds, but it will tickle your ticker, too.

When scientists measured the heart-helping polyphenol content of fruits popular in France, lychees were bested only by strawberries. Grapes came in third.

The Top 10

Who would have thought lychees -- cultivated in China -- would become a fave fruit in France? But the top polyphenol-spiked fruits there, in order, are: strawberries, lychees, grapes, apricots, apples, dates, cherries, figs, pears, and white nectarines. The small, heart-shaped red fruit is now going global and making an appearance in U.S. markets, too, especially during the summer. 

Two More for Your Ticker

In addition to impressive amounts of polyphenols, lychees also have heart-smart vitamin C and potassium.

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