The snack that closes up nutrition gaps

Even the most faithful of healthy eaters have occasional nutrition gaps. So here's a snack choice that can help you stay on the Best Fed list, no matter what: nuts.

Research shows that people who eat an ounce of nuts a day enjoy better nutritional status and healthier eating patterns compared with folks on nut-free diets.

Go Nuts

Many people fail to get the recommended amounts of fiber and key nutrients in their diets, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin E, and vitamin A. But that's not necessarily so with nut eaters. In a study, the nut lovers consumed 5 grams more fiber, 100 milligrams more magnesium, and 250 milligrams more potassium per day compared with people who never cracked a nut.

Nutrient Booster

But that's not all. The nut eaters also made better food choices throughout the day. They ate more fruit, whole grains, high-quality protein, and dark green and orange veggies compared with the nut abstainers, and the nut lovers also tended to do a better job of resisting unhealthful fat, alcohol, and sugar. So eat your nuts! 

Answer the questions in this article to find out whether fresh food is healthier than frozen.

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