Updated on August 7, 2024.
Do you have a big meal planned for this weekend and are worried you might overdo it and wake up with the dreaded burning sensation of heartburn?
Luckily, your veggie bin holds an easy, natural fix for heartburn pain. It's the humble potato.
Potato power
Maoshing Ni, PhD, author of Secrets of Self-Healing, offers this recipe: Juice one large or two small white russet potatoes, discard the pulp, and mix the juice with an equal amount of hot water. Then drink the resulting tonic on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Why does it work? Potatoes are an alkalizing food, which means they neutralize acid in the stomach.
Banish the burn
Ni also recommends these additional eating habits to help calm your digestive system:
Eat slowly. That means chew each bite thoroughly and leave the table when you are only three-quarters full. Overeating can trigger heartburn.
Avoid acidic and processed foods. Ni recommends that people limit tomatoes, pineapple, coffee, greasy or fried foods, dairy, and wheat.
Eat with mindfulness. Savor each bite. That means not eating while stressed, angry, or preoccupied.
Walk. Exercise helps move food along the digestive tract and improves digestion and absorption.
You can also try these additional cooking tips to help ease heartburn.