Financial Well-being

Take control of your financial well-being

Together, Sharecare and SmartDollar guide people to financial freedom, reducing their stress and your healthcare costs.

Step-by-step support toward better finances

78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. The stress takes its toll on their work and their health. Through our technology and engaging content, we motivate people to manage their money well.


Avg saved in 1 year per member


years of results


Avg debt paid in
1 year per member


Members have >26%
decrease in financial


Members can cover a
$1000 emergency

All the tools to take control of finances

Sharecare and SmartDollar offer a proven approach and powerful features to get a grip on money management.

Trusted expertise

Founded by popular money expert Dave Ramsey, SmartDollar curates his time-tested principles and insights from advisors like Rachel Cruz and Chris Hogan.

7 baby steps

This step-by-step plan helps employees learn to set and reach financial goals such as starting an emergency fund, paying off debt, saving for college, and more.

Tracking and engagement tools

We make it easy to follow the baby steps with tools like EveryDollar Budgeting app, Emergency Fund Planner, R:IQ Retirement Tool, and the Debt Snowball. Members experience quick wins and see progress over time

Motivating content

Engaging lessons, browsable questions and answers, and video deep dives keep participants moving toward financial freedom.

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