Dr. Carolina Pinzon Escobar, MD
Dr. Carolina Pinzon Escobar, MD
Offers telehealth
Dr. Carolina Pinzon Escobar, MD is a Critical Care Medicine Specialist in Summit, NJ. Dr. Pinzon Escobar currently practices at Practice and are affiliated with Overlook Medical Center and Morristown Medical Center. Dr. Pinzon Escobar has experience treating conditions like Shortness of Breath, Pulmonary Edema and Pneumonia among other conditions at varying frequencies. Dr. Pinzon Escobar's office is not accepting new patients. Dr. Pinzon Escobar also speaks Spanish. Dr. Pinzon Escobar is board certified in Critical Care Medicine and accepts multiple insurance plans.
This provider offers telehealth appointments. Call the office to schedule.
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Experience Check
Insurance Accepted
Empire Hospital
Aetna HMOAWH NJ Choice MultiTier POS IISavings Plus of Metro, NYOpen Choice PPOSelectPremier Care Network APCN Choice (OAMC) POS IIAPCN Open Access Aetna SelectManaged Choice (Open Access) POSAWH NJ Choice MultiTier - Standard Savings POS IIChoice Plus POS IIPremier Care Network Plus - Innovation HealthSignature Administrators PPOElect Choice (Open Access) EPO
SimplyBlue/Simply Blue Plus PPOBluePPO HSA PPO
Hospital Advantage EPOLocal Value Network POS PlusRegional Preferred POS Plus
Options PPOChoice Plus POSNavigate POSNavigate HMONexus Open Access
First Health (Coventry Health Care) PPO
MVP Health Plan EPO
High Performance Network - Tiered HPNBlue Card PPOBlue Card High Performance Network HPN
Choice POSChoice Care PPOChoice Care Network PPO
MagnaCare PPO
LocalPlusCigna HMOCigna PPOOpen Access Plus
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield POSOMNIA HMOOMNIA - Tier1 EPOHorizon Blue Cross Blue Shield PPODirect Access PPOHorizon Blue Cross Blue Shield HMO
Keystone HMO-POS
Community Blue PPOBlue High Performance NetworkPPOBlue PPOBCBS PPOPerformance Blue
Oscar Circle EPO
Radiology at 1 Springfield Avenue1 Springfield Ave, Summit, NJ 07901
Atlantic Neuroscience Institute At Overlook Medical Center-Union Campus1000 Galloping Hill Rd Ste 100, Union, NJ 07083
Overlook Hospital99 Beauvoir Ave, Summit, NJ 07901
Jersey City Medical Center355 Grand St, Jersey City, NJ 07302Monday08:00 - 17:00Tuesday08:00 - 17:00Wednesday08:00 - 17:00Thursday08:00 - 17:00Friday08:00 - 17:00
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About Me
- *Sharecare does not verify qualifications for medical specialties. Please verify your provider's specialty and qualifications directly with your provider and applicable medical board.
Board Certifications
- Critical Care Medicine, Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Disease
Frequently Asked Questions
Find contact information here to make an appointment.
A list of accepted insurance providers is available on the Sharecare insurance check. It is always a good idea to verify your insurance when making an appointment.
New patients are generally accepted by Dr. Carolina Pinzon Escobar, MD. To arrange an appointment, call the number on Dr. Pinzon Escobar's profile.
Dr. Pinzon Escobar in specializes in Critical Care Medicine. See more on Sharecare.
Dr. Pinzon Escobar frequently treats the following conditions: Shortness of Breath, Pulmonary Edema and Pneumonia. See more on Sharecare.
Dr. Pinzon Escobar's office is located at 1 Springfield Ave Summit, NJ 07901. You can find other locations and directions on Sharecare.
Dr. Pinzon Escobar is able to speak Spanish. View profile to see all.
Dr. Pinzon Escobar provides telehealth services. Please contact the office to determine whether you are eligible.
Dr. Carolina Pinzon Escobar, MD is affiliated with Overlook Medical Center and Morristown Medical Center.
Yes, Dr. Carolina Pinzon Escobar, MD holds board certification in Critical Care Medicine, Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Disease.
Hospital Affiliations
Overlook Medical Center
99 Beauvoir Ave, Summit, NJ
Morristown Medical Center
100 Madison Ave, Morristown, NJ