Dr. Cassandra McDaniel, MD
Dr. Cassandra McDaniel, MD
Offers telehealth
Dr. McDaniel graduated from
This provider offers telehealth appointments. Call the office to schedule.
Patients said this doctor explains conditions well.
Patients said this doctor is trustworthy.
Patients said the staff was friendly.
Experience Check
Insurance Accepted
PPOBlue PPOBlue High Performance NetworkPerformance BlueBCBS PPOmyBlue Access EPOCommunity Blue PPO
Elect Choice (Open Access) EPOOpen Choice PPOSelectPremier Care Network APCN Choice (OAMC) POS IIAetnaSmall Group Maryland Elect Choice Open AccessManaged Choice (Open Access) POSAPCN Open Access Aetna SelectSmall Group Maryland HMOChoice Plus POS II
Medica ChoiceNavigate HMOChoice Plus POSNexus Open AccessMD IPA/Optimum Choice HMO/Preferred POS HMO-POSOptions PPONavigate POS
High Performance Network - Tiered HPNBlue Card PPOBlue Card High Performance Network HPN
HealthyBlue HMO
BluePreferred PPOBlueChoice Advantage POSHealthBlue PPOMaryland POS
MVP Health Plan EPO
Curative EPOCurative PPOCurative PPO Plus
First Health (Coventry Health Care) PPO
MedStar Health: Primary Care at Wilkens Medical Center4660 Wilkens Ave Ste 100, Baltimore, MD 21229
Patient Satisfaction
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How likely are you to recommend Dr. McDaniel?
Both of my children see her now that Dr Chipchin has retired and she has been amazing. We've had well visits, sick visits and flu shots. Shes taken every concern I've had into consideration and provided actual explanations instead of just brushing me off like other doctors. Its really refreshing to have a doctor that listens and educates instead of belittling and cutting people off. I work in an office and have referred plenty of my patients to her office when its needed and Ive only ever heard great feedback

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About Me
- *Sharecare does not verify qualifications for medical specialties. Please verify your provider's specialty and qualifications directly with your provider and applicable medical board.
NEW YORK Medical College
Board Certifications
- Pediatrics
Frequently Asked Questions
Find contact information here to make an appointment.
A list of accepted insurance providers is available on the Sharecare insurance check. It is always a good idea to verify your insurance when making an appointment.
New patients are generally accepted by Dr. Cassandra McDaniel, MD. To arrange an appointment, call the number on Dr. McDaniel's profile.
Dr. McDaniel in specializes in Pediatrics. See more on Sharecare.
Dr. McDaniel's office is located at 4660 Wilkens Ave Ste 100 Baltimore, MD 21229. You can find other locations and directions on Sharecare.
Dr. McDaniel provides telehealth services. Please contact the office to determine whether you are eligible.
Yes, Dr. Cassandra McDaniel, MD holds board certification in Pediatrics.
Dr. Cassandra McDaniel, MD has a star rating of 5.0/5. See more patient feedback on Sharecare.