Dr. Clint Kingsley, MD
Dr. Clint Kingsley, MD
Offers telehealth
Dr. Kingsley graduated from
This provider offers telehealth appointments. Call the office to schedule.
Patients said this doctor explains conditions well.
Patients said this doctor is trustworthy.
Patients said the staff was friendly.
Patients said scheduling was easy.
Experience Check
Insurance Accepted
First Health (Coventry Health Care) PPO
Superior Health Plan
HealthyBlue AdvantageHealthyBlue 2.0
Curative EPOCurative PPO PlusCurative PPO
Choice Care PPO
Choice Plus POS II
MultiPlan PPO
Clearview Cancer Institute180 Cox Creek Pkwy S, Florence, AL 35630Monday08:00 - 17:00Tuesday08:00 - 17:00Wednesday08:00 - 17:00Thursday08:00 - 17:00Friday08:00 - 17:00
Office180 Cox Creek Pkwy S Ste B, Florence, AL 35630
Tennessee Oncology PLLC1208 Pointe Centre Dr Ste 110, Chattanooga, TN 37421
Northwest Alabama Cancer Center PC101 Dr W H Blake Jr Dr, Muscle Shoals, AL 35661
Michael A. Henngian M.D. P.C1310 14th Ave SE, Decatur, AL 35601
Cardiac and Vascular Associates PC1032 McCallie Ave Ste 200, Chattanooga, TN 37403
Patient Satisfaction
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Dr. Kingsley is very professional and explains my progress with my cancer treatments. He and his staff make me feel like I am their only patient. I would recommend him to anyone.
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About Me
- *Sharecare does not verify qualifications for medical specialties. Please verify your provider's specialty and qualifications directly with your provider and applicable medical board.
University of Alabama at Birmingham Heersink School of Medicine
Board Certifications
- Hematology, Hospice Care and Palliative Medicine and Internal Medicine
Baptist Medical Center - South
Baptist Medical Center
Ellis Fischel Cancer Center|Methodist Healthcare Memphis Hospital|Uab Hospital
Frequently Asked Questions
Find contact information here to make an appointment.
A list of accepted insurance providers is available on the Sharecare insurance check. It is always a good idea to verify your insurance when making an appointment.
New patients are generally accepted by Dr. Clint Kingsley, MD. To arrange an appointment, call the number on Dr. Kingsley's profile.
Dr. Kingsley in specializes in Medical Oncology. See more on Sharecare.
Dr. Kingsley frequently treats the following conditions: Anemia, Bleeding Disorders and Vitamin B12 Anemia. See more on Sharecare.
Dr. Kingsley's office is located at 180 Cox Creek Pkwy S Florence, AL 35630. You can find other locations and directions on Sharecare.
Dr. Kingsley provides telehealth services. Please contact the office to determine whether you are eligible.
Dr. Clint Kingsley, MD is affiliated with Erlanger Baroness Hospital, Helen Keller Hospital, Huntsville Hospital and North Alabama Medical Center.
Yes, Dr. Clint Kingsley, MD holds board certification in Hematology, Hospice Care and Palliative Medicine and Internal Medicine.
Dr. Clint Kingsley, MD has a star rating of 4.5/5. See more patient feedback on Sharecare.
Hospital Affiliations
Erlanger Baroness Hospital
975 E 3rd St, Chattanooga, TN
Helen Keller Hospital
1300 S Montgomery Ave, Sheffield, AL
Huntsville Hospital
101 Sivley Rd SW, Huntsville, AL
North Alabama Medical Center
1701 Veterans Dr, Florence, AL