Dr. Fernando Torres, MD
Dr. Fernando Torres, MD
Offers telehealth
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This provider offers telehealth appointments. Call the office to schedule.
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Insurance Accepted
First Health (Coventry Health Care) PPO
Blue Card High Performance Network HPNBlue Card PPO
Choice Care Network PPOAustin HMOxPreferred PPOChoice POSChoice Care PPONational POSHMO Premier HMO
BestChoice PPOBlue Essentials HMO
Cigna PPOOpen Access PlusSureFit Houston
Curative PPO PlusCurative PPOCurative EPO
Office16955 Walden Rd Ste 106, Montgomery, TX 77356
Venus Specialty Pharmacy LLC800 Riverwood Ct Ste 104, Conroe, TX 77304
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Dr.Toress has been the Best Psychiatrist for me and my daughter for the last ten years. We had to move to Conroe , I was going to have Bone Cancer Surgery was going to take therapy for my Leg in the Woodlands so we planned on moving out to Conroe. I was also having to change my Family doctor. My last doctor retired after being my doctor for 28 year's.She family to us. She my step mom.We still talk every day .I still call her mom. Her name is Dr. Fatima Sayeed.I love her so much. She means everything to me and my daughter. Dr.Toress has taking care of all of my mental illness that . I have been suffering from since. I have been 12 years old. I have Bi Polar 1. And, Major Anxiety and Panic attacks disorder where, I can't breath at all. I had to go into the hospital three different times last year because of having Pulmonia , CoPD and Anxiety attacks real bad.The nurses had to help me find a fan to put on me that's how bad my Panic attacks were while . I was in the hospital. I was also put on a Oxygen machine. Dr.Torress has help me with my ADHD that , I have suffered with since, I have been diagnosed since elementary school.With having ADHD, you can't focus on one thing , when you have ADHD , i normally never finished doing what i first started doing , I move on to something else that's what .ADHD is. We, have a problem with multitasking. And, we talk to much we never slow down. You forget where you put things. I loose stuff all the time. My keys. My important papers. I hide things. Forget, where , i hide them.its a real bad illness. Your unorganized. You go from one thing to another. It helps being on the right medication.I can not be on generic at all it does not work with my brain we have tried every one of them since . I have been young they all put me to sleep . I can not think at all or Remember or focus being on generic ADHD medications. I have to be on Medical Brand Necessary only medication ADHD that is the only medication that works with my Brain that helps me to focus and concentrate and think and remember to get anything done each day.. I have major sezuires and have had my head busted open a lot times so it is important that. I have my ADHD medication to help me throughout each day to accomplish what needs to get done because of my illness. Thats why irs important to have the right Psychiatrist to help me with the right medication. I appreciate Dr .Torress helping me with my medication. Dr. Star Branch and Dr.Sayeed and Dr.Toress was asked by my insurance to try putting me on generic brand ADHD medication many of times. I could not get up at all for months as , I could recall at a point when Dr.Sayeed assistant accidentally prescribed me generic while my Doctor was on vacation it was horrible at that time ..I remember, it was a round orange pill . It was generic. I remember telling the guy. I cant take that pill it want work. He said . I cant change it. You have to wait till you doctor comes back from her vacation. I was on crouches.I was going through Bone Cancer.I bearly was able to some what get around at that point. to remember to make my appointment s. And to focus on getting things done even though .I was real sick and suffering from being Bi polor1. I slowly got stuff done with help from my family because . I am sick. I have had depression real bad since . I have been a little girl. Dr. Toress has help me stay stable by giving me my medication monthly. It has help me stay out of the hospital. I appreciate our Dr. He has helped me so much he listened to me and cares about all my mental illness and has helped me and my daughter. Thank you Dr Toress for saving our lives. It is hard living with our mental illnessness that we suffer from .We greatly appreciate our Psychiatrist help.We Love our Doctor F Toress he is the best ever. He cares , listens and is a very hard working Doctor. Has the Biggest Heart for his sick patients.. Goes out his way to help me and my daughter . We Love his office Manager Gloria she is kind and sweet . Always , so helpful and in a good mood . We Appreciate you Gloria, thank you for helping us and our doctor.. We , Love our doctor and Appreciate his help with helping us with all our mental illness.Thank you , Dr.Toress. Five Stars ***** Sincerely, Mary Risher, March 20 2024
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University of Texas Medical Branch
Frequently Asked Questions
Find contact information here to make an appointment.
A list of accepted insurance providers is available on the Sharecare insurance check. It is always a good idea to verify your insurance when making an appointment.
New patients are generally accepted by Dr. Fernando Torres, MD. To arrange an appointment, call the number on Dr. Torres' profile.
Dr. Torres in specializes in Psychiatry. See more on Sharecare.
Dr. Torres frequently treats the following conditions: Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Tobacco Use Disorder and Homicidal Ideation. See more on Sharecare.
Dr. Torres' office is located at 16955 Walden Rd Ste 106 Montgomery, TX 77356. You can find other locations and directions on Sharecare.
Dr. Torres provides telehealth services. Please contact the office to determine whether you are eligible.
Dr. Fernando Torres, MD has a star rating of 2.6/5. See more patient feedback on Sharecare.