
See All Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiologists in Arlington, VA

Dr. Jamie Kennedy, MD

Advanced Heart Failure & Transplant Cardiology* Age 48
Dr. Jamie Kennedy, MD
4.3 (7 Ratings)

Offers telehealth

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Dr. Jamie Kennedy, MD is an Advanced Heart Failure & Transplant Cardiologist in Arlington, VA.
Dr. Jamie Kennedy, MD
4.3 (7 Ratings)
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Dr. Jamie Kennedy, MD

Advanced Heart Failure & Transplant Cardiology* Age 48
Arlington, VA
Accepting new patients
19 years of experience

Offers telehealth

Dr. Jamie Kennedy, MD is an Advanced Heart Failure & Transplant Cardiologist in Arlington, VA.


Dr. Kennedy graduated from Indiana University School of Medicine. Dr. Jamie Kennedy, MD is an Advanced Heart Failure & Transplant Cardiologist in Arlington, VA and has 19 years experience. Dr. Kennedy currently practices at Practice and are affiliated with Inova Fairfax Hospital and UVA Health Sciences Center. At present, Dr. Kennedy received an average rating of 4.3/5 from patients and has been reviewed 7 times. Dr. Kennedy's office accepts new patients and telehealth appointments. Dr. Kennedy is board certified in Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology and accepts multiple insurance plans.

Offers Telehealth

This provider offers telehealth appointments. Call the office to schedule.

Explains Conditions Well

Patients said this doctor explains conditions well.


Patients said this doctor is trustworthy.

Friendly Staff

Patients said the staff was friendly.

Easy Scheduling

Patients said scheduling was easy.

Experience Check

Enter a condition or procedure
Congestive Heart Failure
Chronic Congestive Heart Failure
Systolic Heart Failure
Chronic Congestive Heart Failure
Congestive Heart Failure
Chronic Congestive Heart Failure
Systolic Heart Failure
Atrial Fibrillation
Congenital Heart Defects
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Hypertensive Heart with Failure
Hypertensive Heart without Failure
Lipid Disorders
Mitral Valve Disease
Mitral Valve Regurgitation
Pericardial Disease
Ventricular Tachycardia (VT)
Cardiac Catheterization (incl. Coronary Angiography)
Cardiac Catheterization with Robotic Assist
Abdominal Pain
  • View other providers who treat Acidosis
Acute Congestive Heart Failure
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Acute Sinusitis
Acute Upper Respiratory Infection
Acute Venous Embolism Thrombosis
All Headaches (incl. Migraine)
Allergic Conjunctivitis
Allergic Rhinitis
  • View other providers who treat Anemia
  • View other providers who treat Aneurysm
Aneurysm of Heart
  • View other providers who treat Angina
Animal Allergies
  • View other providers who treat Anxiety
Aortic Aneurysm
Aortic Dissection
Aortic Ectasia
Aortic Embolism and Thrombosis
Aortic Stenosis
Aortic Valve Disease
Aortic Valve Regurgitation
Arthritis of the Elbow
  • View other providers who treat Asthma
  • View other providers who treat Ataxia
Atrial Flutter
Atrial Septal Defect
Atrioventricular Septal Defect (AVSD)
Back Pain
  • View other providers who treat Bedsores
Benign Chronic Pain Syndrome
Biventricular Heart Failure
Bladder Infection
Blood in Urine (Hematuria)
Calcium Metabolism Disorders
Candidiasis of Skin and Nails
Canker Sore
Cardiac Sarcoidosis
Cardiac Tamponade
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated
Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic
Carotid Artery Disease
Chest Pain
Chronic Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Chronic Pain
Chronic Pulmonary Heart Diseases (incl. Pulmonary Hypertension)
Chronic Sinusitis
Chronic Venous Embolism Thrombosis
Congenital Aortic Valve Disorders
Congenital Heart Disease
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
  • View other providers who treat Cough
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Dermatitis Due to Drugs
Dermatitis Due to Substances Taken Internally
Diabetes Type 1
Diabetes Type 2
Diabetes With Renal Manifestations
Diabetic Polyneuropathy
  • View other providers who treat Diarrhea
Difficulty With Walking
Dry Eyes
  • View other providers who treat Dry Eyes
Dry Skin
  • View other providers who treat Dry Skin
Enlarged Prostate (BPH)
Essential Tremor
  • View other providers who treat Fever
First Degree Heart Block
Gait Abnormality
Gas-Bloat Syndrome
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Genital Herpes
  • View other providers who treat Gout
  • View other providers who treat Headache
Heart Attack (Acute Myocardial Infarction)
Heart Disease
Heart Palpitations
Herpes Simplex Infection
Herpes Zoster Without Complication
  • View other providers who treat Hives
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Hypertensive Chronic Kidney Disease
Hypertensive Heart and Chronic Kidney Disease
Hypertensive Heart Disease
Hypotension (Excluding Maternal)
Influenza (Flu)
  • View other providers who treat Insomnia
Intestinal Diverticulitis
Intestinal Diverticulosis
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Itchy Skin
Joint Pain
Leg and Foot Ulcers
Limb Pain
Limb Swelling Caused by Fluid Overload
Liver Damage from Alcohol
Long QT Syndrome
Low Back Pain
Magnesium Metabolism Disorders
Malaise and Fatigue
Marfan Syndrome
  • View other providers who treat Migraine
Mineral Metabolism Disorders
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Mitral Valve Stenosis
Muscle Weakness
Muscular Dystrophy (MD)
  • View other providers who treat Nausea
Neck Muscle Strain
Neck Strain (incl. Whiplash Injury)
Noninfectious Gastroenteritis and Colitis
  • View other providers who treat Obesity
Osteoarthritis of Foot
Osteoarthritis of Hip
Osteoarthritis of Hip and Thigh
Osteoarthritis of Knee
Osteoarthritis of Shoulder
Osteoarthritis of Spine
Painful Urination (Dysuria)
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS)
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO)
Peripartum Cardiomyopathy
Peripheral Nerve Disorders
Phosphorus Metabolism Disorders
Pinkeye (Conjunctivitis)
Pollen Allergy
Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR)
  • View other providers who treat Polyuria
Postnasal Drip
Postpartum Cardiomyopathy
Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
Pulmonary Edema
Pulmonary Hypertension
Pulmonary Venous Return Anomaly
  • View other providers who treat Purpura
Raynaud's Disease
Restless Leg Syndrome
  • View other providers who treat Rosacea
Second Degree Heart Block
Secondary Diabetes Mellitus
Secondary Hypertension
Septal Defect
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
  • View other providers who treat Shingles
Shortness of Breath
Sick Sinus Syndrome
Sinus Bradycardia
Sinus Tachycardia
Skin Ulcer
Sleep Apnea
Sleep-Related Leg Cramp
Sprains and Strains (incl. Muscle Tear)
Supraventricular Tachycardia
Swine Flu
  • View other providers who treat Syncope
Third Degree Heart Block
Thyroid Goiter
  • View other providers who treat Tinnitus
Tobacco Use Disorder
Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)
Tricuspid Valve Disease
Type 2 Heart Block - Mobitz
Typical Atrial Flutter
Unstable Angina
Urinary Incontinence
Urinary Stones
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Venous Compression
Venous Embolism and Thrombosis
Venous Insufficiency
Ventricular Fibrillation
Ventricular Septal Defect
  • View other providers who treat Vertigo
Viral Enteritis
Viral Hepatitis
Vitamin B Deficiency
Vitamin D Deficiency
  • View other providers who treat Wheezing
Wolff-Parkinson-White Pattern
Ablation for Cardiac Arrhythmias
Arrhythmia Screening
Arterial Blood Gas Test (ABG)
Automatic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) Implantation
Cardiac Imaging
Cardiac MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) of Heart or Chest
Cardiac Myocardial Perfusion Imaging
Cardiac Ultrasound
Cardiovascular Diagnostic Test
Cardiovascular Stress Test
Cardioverter-Defibrillator or Pacemaker Insertion, Removal or Repair
Chest CT (incl. Heart and Lungs)
Chest Pain Evaluation
Cholesterol Screening
Coronary Angiogram
Coronary Angioplasty, Atherectomy and Stent
Dobutamine Thallium Stress Test
Electrocardiogram (EKG)
Fecal Occult Blood Test for Colorectal Cancer
HeartAware Online Risk Screening
Immunization Administration
Impella Device
Nuclear Stress Testing
Pacemaker Insertion or Replacement
Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening (PAD)
Pharmacologic Nuclear Stress Test
Pharmacologic Stress Test, Adenosine
Pilonidal Cyst Removal
Removal or Revision of Pacemaker or Cardioverter and-or Defibrillator
Smoking Cessation Counseling
Stress Test
Structural Heart Disease Evaluations and Treatment
TCD Bubble Test
Tilt Table Testing
Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair
Treadmill Stress Test

Insurance Accepted

* Please verify this information when scheduling an appointment.
  • First Health (Coventry Health Care) PPO
  • Select Plus HMO
    Blue Cross Blue Shield of California PPO
    Advantage Preferred DirectAccess Plus PPO
    Select PPO
  • Bronze w/ H.S.A (Prudent Buyer PPO/Small Grp)-CA PPO
    Bronze 60 HDHP AI-AN (Pathway X - EPO/ Individual via Exchange)-CA EPO
    Silver 94 EPO (Pathway X - EPO/ Individual via Exchange)-CA
    Gold Advantage-CA PPO
    Silver EPO w/ H.S.A (Prudent Buyer/Small Grp)-CA PPO
    Blue Cross (Prudent Buyer) - Small Group-CA PPO
    Dignity Health PHC EPO & HDP/HSA-CA
    National (BlueCard) PPO
    Gold 80 D EPO (Pathway - EPO/ Individual)-CA
    Bronze 60 D EPO (Pathway - EPO/ Individual)-CA
    Platinum 90 EPO AI-AN (Pathway X - EPO/ Individual via Exchange)-CA
    Blue Cross (Prudent Buyer) - Student Health-CA PPO
    Platinum (Prudent Buyer PPO/ Small Grp)-CA PPO
    Silver 70 EPO AI-AN (Pathway X - EPO/ Individual via Exchange)-CA
    Select-CA PPO
    Dignity Health Ventura EPO/PPO-CA
    Advantage-CA PPO
    Gold (Prudent Buyer PPO/ Small Grp)-CA PPO
    Gold 80 EPO (Pathway X - EPO/ Individual via Exchange)-CA
    Gold EPO (Prudent Buyer EPO/ Small Grp)-CA
    Silver (CaliforniaCare HMO/ Small Grp) HMO
    Blue Cross (CACare) - Small Group-CA HMO
    Bronze 60 HDHP (Pathway X - EPO/ Individual via Exchange)-CA EPO
    Bronze 60 EPO (Pathway X - EPO/ Individual via Exchange)-CA
    Platinum 90 EPO (Pathway X - EPO/ Individual via Exchange)-CA
    Tenet Network-CA PPO
    Bronze 60 EPO AI-AN (Pathway X - EPO/ Individual via Exchange)-CA
    National (BlueCard Basic) PPO
    Gold (CaliforniaCare HMO/ Small Grp) HMO
    Minimum Coverage D EPO (Pathway - EPO/ Individual)-CA
    Bronze Select w/ H.S.A (Select PPO/ Small Grp)-CA PPO
    UC Health Savings Plan-CA
    UC High Option Supplement to Medicare-CA
    Silver 70 EPO Off Exchange-CA
    Blue Cross (CACare) - Individual-CA HMO
    Silver 87 EPO (Pathway X - EPO/ Individual via Exchange)-CA
    MemorialCare Custom-CA PPO
    Gold Select (Select PPO/ Small Grp)-CA PPO
    UC Care-CA PPO
    Pathway X - EPO Network-CA
    Silver Select w/ H.S.A (Select PPO/ Small Grp)-CA PPO
    Bronze (Prudent Buyer PPO/ Small Grp)-CA PPO
    Platinum 90 D EPO (Pathway - EPO/ Individual)-CA
    Advantage-CA HMO
    Dignity Health EPO / PPO-CA
    UC Medicare with Prescription Drugs-CA PPO
    UC Resident and Fellows-CA PPO
    Silver EPO (Prudent Buyer EPO/ Small Grp)-CA
    Select (PERS Select Providers)-CA PPO
    Blue Cross (Prudent Buyer) - Large Group-CA PPO
    Select Plus-CA HMO
    USC Plan (Two Tiered Network)-CA HMO
    Traditional PPO
    Blue Cross-CA HMO-POS
    Balanced (Prudent Buyer)-CA PPO
    Bronze Pathway EPO (Pathway - EPO/ Individual)-CA
    Bronze 60 D HDHP (Pathway - EPO/ Individual)-CA EPO
    Silver Select (Select PPO/ Small Grp)-CA PPO
    Bronze Select (Select PPO/ Small Grp)-CA PPO
    Silver 70 EPO (Pathway X - EPO/ Individual via Exchange)-CA
    Minimum Coverage EPO (Pathway X - EPO/ Individual via Exchange)-CA
    Silver w/ H.S.A (Prudent Buyer PPO/Small Grp)-CA PPO
    Dignity Health Custom Advantage-CA HMO
    PERS Traditional-CA HMO
    Silver (Prudent Buyer PPO/ Small Grp)-CA PPO
    Platinum (CaliforniaCare HMO/ Small Grp) HMO
    Silver 73 EPO (Pathway X - EPO/ Individual via Exchange)-CA
    Major Risk Medical Insurance Program (MRMIP) - Prudent Buyer-CA PPO
    Bronze EPO (Prudent Buyer / Small Grp)-CA PPO
    Bronze EPO (Prudent Buyer EPO/ Small Grp)-CA
    Silver Advantage-CA PPO
    $0 Cost Share AI-AN (Pathway X - EPO/ Individual Via Exchange)-CA EPO
    Gold EPO (Prudent Buyer / Small Grp)-CA PPO
    Blue Cross (Prudent Buyer) - Individual-CA PPO
    PERS Choice / PERSCare Providers-CA PPO
    Select PPO (Select Network)-CA PPO
    Blue Cross (CACare) - Large Group-CA HMO
    Lumenos Plans-CA PPO
    Platinum Select (Select PPO/ Small Grp)-CA PPO
    Gold 80 EPO AI-AN (Pathway X - EPO/ Individual via Exchange)-CA
    UC Medicare without Prescription Drugs-CA PPO
  • Aetna
    Aetna HMO
    Basic HMO
    Choice Plus POS II
  • Open Access Plus
    Cigna PPO
    Cigna HMO
  • Curative PPO
    Curative PPO Plus
    Curative EPO
  • Blue Card PPO
  • Access Plus Savenet
    Local Access Plus HMO
  • MultiPlan PPO


  1. 1 Virginia Heart-Arlington
    1005 N Glebe Rd Ste 750, Arlington, VA 22201
    07:30 - 16:30
    07:30 - 16:30
    07:30 - 16:30
    07:30 - 16:30
    07:30 - 16:30
  2. 2 Inova Medical Group-Cardiology
    8081 Innovation Park Dr # 700700, Fairfax, VA 22031
  3. 3 Inova Medical Group-Cardiology
    8101 Hinson Farm Rd Ste 408, Alexandria, VA 22306
  4. 4 Virginia Heart-Fairfax
    2901 Telestar Ct Ste 200, Falls Church, VA 22042
  5. 5 Inova Heart Failure/Transplant
    3300 Gallows Rd, Falls Church, VA 22042

Patient Satisfaction

Likelihood to recommend Dr. Kennedy
Based on 7 Reviews
5 Stars (5)
4 Stars (1)
3 Stars (0)
2 Stars (0)
1 Star (1)

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Patient Reviews
Dec 09, 2023
I just Revisited Dr Kennedy today 11/08/2023 after finding out that she has returned to Va. I was her patient at UVA in Charlottesville Va from 2014 to 2019? And at that time she took good care of me for all my pulmonary problems I experienced while on the transplant list for a liver which(I am no longer on thanks be to God and the Drs I was under) but Dr Kennedy left to pursue or further her career But when I found out from her replacement Dr that she returned to N.Va.and he. Also suggested that I could go back to so I wouldn’t have to travel back and forth to UVA since I live in N.Va. She excepted right back and still to the Best Dr I have ever been under! Thank you Dr Kennedy and your staff for continuing to work with me! I know that I am in good hands now more so now than before!!!!!!
Clarence Kenny Sr — Dec 09, 2023
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Photo: Dr. Jamie Kennedy, MD
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Dr. Kennedy's Office & Staff

  • Ease of scheduling urgent appointments
  • Office environment, cleanliness, comfort, etc.
  • Staff friendliness and courteousness
  • Total wait time (waiting & exam rooms)

Experience with Dr. Kennedy

  • Level of trust in provider's decisions
  • How well provider explains medical condition(s)
  • How well provider listens and answers questions
  • Hpends appropriate amount of time with patients

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Telehealth Options
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(703) 524-7202

About Me

Advanced Heart Failure & Transplant Cardiology
Cardiovascular & Metabolic Diseases
  • *Sharecare does not verify qualifications for medical specialties. Please verify your provider's specialty and qualifications directly with your provider and applicable medical board.


Medical Education
  • Indiana University School of Medicine
Medical Education

Board Certifications

Board Certifications
  • Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology, Cardiology and Cardiovascular Disease
Board Certifications
What’s a board certification and why is it important that my provider has one?

A board certification represents a provider’s dedication to ongoing training in one or more specialties, including the completion of intensive exams. While not all specialties have board certifications, if your provider does have one they’ve taken the extra step to master their specialty and to keep up with the latest advancements in their field.
Common Questions and Answers
Responses are sourced directly from patients.
Does Dr. Kennedy communicate via email?
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Does Dr. Kennedy offer telehealth services or virtual visits?
No users said yes.
Does Dr. Kennedy offer an online patient portal?
No users said yes.
Does Dr. Kennedy have free onsite parking?
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Does Dr. Kennedy offer weekend visits?
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Does Dr. Kennedy offer evening visits?
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Does Dr. Kennedy specialize in working with children or adolescents?
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Does Dr. Kennedy specialize in working with seniors?
No responses yet.
Does Dr. Kennedy specialize in couples therapy?
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Does Dr. Kennedy specialize in working with LGBTQ+ community?
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Does Dr. Kennedy accept insurance?
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Frequently Asked Questions

Find contact information here to make an appointment.

A list of accepted insurance providers is available on the Sharecare insurance check. It is always a good idea to verify your insurance when making an appointment.

New patients are generally accepted by Dr. Jamie Kennedy, MD. To arrange an appointment, call the number on Dr. Kennedy's profile.

Dr. Jamie Kennedy, MD is affiliated with Inova Fairfax Hospital and UVA Health Sciences Center.

Yes, Dr. Jamie Kennedy, MD holds board certification in Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology, Cardiology and Cardiovascular Disease.

Hospital Affiliations

  • Inova Fairfax Hospital

    3300 Gallows Rd, Falls Church, VA

  • UVA Health Sciences Center

    1215 Lee St, Charlottesville, VA