
See All Oncologists in Fresno, CA

Dr. Robert Lemon, MD

Medical Oncology* Age 67
Dr. Robert Lemon, MD
4.4 (15 Ratings)

Offers telehealth

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Dr. Robert Lemon, MD is a Medical Oncologist in Fresno, CA.
Dr. Robert Lemon, MD
4.4 (15 Ratings)
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Dr. Robert Lemon, MD

Medical Oncology* Age 67
Fresno, CA
Accepting new patients
38 years of experience

Offers telehealth

Dr. Robert Lemon, MD is a Medical Oncologist in Fresno, CA.


Dr. Lemon graduated from University of California Irvine in 1986 and completed a residency at Loma Linda University Medical Center|Riverside General Hosp-Loma Linda University Medical Center.Dr. Robert Lemon, MD is a Medical Oncologist in Fresno, CA and has 38 years experience. Dr. Lemon currently practices at cCare and are affiliated with Saint Agnes Medical Center and St. Peter's Health Regional Medical Center. Dr. Lemon has experience treating conditions like Venous Embolism and Thrombosis, Anemia and Vitamin B12 Deficiency among other conditions at varying frequencies. At present, Dr. Lemon received an average rating of 4.4/5 from patients and has been reviewed 15 times. Dr. Lemon's office accepts new patients and telehealth appointments. Dr. Lemon is board certified in Internal Medicine and accepts multiple insurance plans.

Offers Telehealth

This provider offers telehealth appointments. Call the office to schedule.

Explains Conditions Well

Patients said this doctor explains conditions well.


Patients said this doctor is trustworthy.

Friendly Staff

Patients said the staff was friendly.

Easy Scheduling

Patients said scheduling was easy.

Experience Check

Enter a condition or procedure
Venous Embolism and Thrombosis
Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Venous Embolism and Thrombosis
  • View other providers who treat Anemia
Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Coagulation Disorders
Acquired Hemolytic Anemia
Acute Leukemia
Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Anal and Rectal Cancer
Bladder Cancer
Bleeding Disorders
Bone Cancer
Breast Cancer
Breast Carcinoma
Breast Lump
Carcinoid Syndrome
Cervical Cancer
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Colorectal Cancer
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Ductal Carcinoma in Situ
Endocrine Gland Cancer
Follicular Lymphoma Grade 1
Head and Neck Cancer
Hypercoagulable State
Immune Thrombocytopenia
Kidney Cancer
Liver Cancer
Lung Cancer
Male Breast Carcinoma
  • View other providers who treat Melanoma
Metastatic Respiratory System Cancer
Myelodysplastic Syndromes
  • View other providers who treat Myeloma
Myeloproliferative Disorders
Neuroendocrine Tumors
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Oral Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Polycythemia Rubra Vera
Primary Hypercoagulable State
Prostate Cancer
Retroperitoneum Cancer
Sickle Cell Disease
Sickle Cell Hemoglobin SS Disease
Skin Cancer
Small Intestine Cancer
Soft Tissue Sarcoma of Head, Face, and Neck
Thyroid Cancer
Tongue Cancer
Urinary Tract Cancer
Uterine Cancer
Vitamin B Deficiency
Vitamin B12 Anemia
Vulvar Cancer
Vulvovaginal Rhabdomyosarcoma
Acquired Red Cell Aplasia
Acute Lymphoid Leukemia
Adrenal Gland Cancer
Adult T-Cell Lymphoma
All Lymphoma
Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS)
Aortic Embolism and Thrombosis
Autoimmune Diseases
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Biliary Tract Cancer
Blood Disorders
Blood Disorders in Pregnancy
Bone Disorders
Brain and Nervous System Cancer (incl. Gliomas, Astrocytoma, Schwannoma, Medulloblastoma, Chordoma)
Brain Cancer
Burkitt's Lymphoma
  • View other providers who treat Cancer
Central Nervous System Lymphoma
Cervix Carcinoma
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)
Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia
Coagulation Defects in Pregnancy and Postpartum
Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma
Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
Duodenal Cancer
Esophageal Cancer
Factor II Deficiency
Factor V Deficiency
Factor VII Deficiency
Factor X Deficiency
Factor XII Deficiency
Factor XIII Deficiency
Follicular Lymphoma Grade 2
Follicular Lymphoma Grade 3
Gallbladder and Biliary Tract Cancer
Gallbladder Cancer
Graft vs Host Disease
Hemophilia A
Hereditary Amyloidosis
Hodgkin's Disease
Hypothalamus Cancer
Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)
Jejunum Cancer
Kaposi Sarcoma of Palate
Kaposi's Sarcoma
Lambert-Eaton Syndrome
Laryngeal Cancer
Lobular Carcinoma
  • View other providers who treat Lymphoma
Lymphoma, Large-Cell
Macroglobulinemia (incl. Waldenstrom's )
Male Breast Cancer
Malignant Mediastinal Tumor
Malignant Pituitary Gland Tumor
Mantle Cell Lymphoma
Marginal Zone Lymphoma
Mast Cell Diseases
Maternal Anemia
Mediastinal B-Cell Lymphoma
Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Mixed-Cellularity Hodgkins Lymphoma
Multiple Myeloma
Mycosis Fungoides
Neoplasm of Gastrointestinal Tract
Nodular Lymphocyte-Predominant Hodgkin Lymphoma
Nodular Lymphoma
Nose Cancer
Peritoneal Cancer
Pernicious Anemia
Pineal Region Tumors
Plasma Cell Leukemia
Pleura Cancer
Pleural Cancer
Pregnancy-Related Disorders
Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma
  • View other providers who treat Purpura
Refractory Anemia with Sideroblasts
Refractory Anemia without Sideroblasts
Salivary Gland Cancer
Secondary Malignancies
Soft Tissue Sarcoma
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Skin
Stomach and Small Intestine Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Testicular Cancer
Throat Cancer (Oropharyngeal)
Tonsil Cancer
Upper Digestive Tract Cancer
Uterine Carcinoma
Vascular Disease
Vitamin K Deficiency
von Willebrand Disease
Anemia and Iron Deficiency Screening
Bone Marrow Biopsy
Bone Marrow Evaluation
Cardiac MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) of Heart or Chest
Destruction or Excision of Vaginal Lesions
Erythropoietin Test
Hematologic Disorder Treatment
Leukemia Diagnostic Evaluations
Liver Biopsy
Lymphoma Evaluation

Insurance Accepted

* Please verify this information when scheduling an appointment.
  • Open Access Plus
  • Select PPO
    Select Plus HMO
    Blue Cross Blue Shield of California PPO
    Advantage Preferred DirectAccess Plus PPO
  • Curative PPO
    Curative PPO Plus
    Curative EPO
  • Choice Plus POS II
  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield
    Blue Card PPO
  • HealthyBlue 2.0
    HealthyBlue Advantage


  1. 1 cCARE
    7130 N Millbrook Ave Ste 100, Fresno, CA 93720
  2. 2 St. Peter's Health
    2475 E Broadway St, Helena, MT 59601
  3. 3 Ccare
    7130 N Millbrook Ave Ste 100, Fresno, CA 93720
  4. 4 St. Peter's Health
    2475 E Broadway St, Helena, MT 59601

Patient Satisfaction

Likelihood to recommend Dr. Lemon
Based on 15 Reviews
5 Stars (12)
4 Stars (1)
3 Stars (0)
2 Stars (0)
1 Star (2)

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Patient Reviews
Apr 17, 2021
Dr, Lemon treated my mom and now my wife. He is amazingly knowledgeable and positive and REALLY works hard for his patients. He is clear in his explanations and plans and respects the intelligence of his patients. IN both my mom and my wife's cases he literally pulled them back from the brink of death. He has earned my respect with unwavering confidence and it is impossible to exaggerate just how highly I would recommend him to anyone fighting cancer. He is a rarity. If you are sick with cancer then you need this doctor.
Michael Nicolini — Apr 17, 2021
See more reviews on Healthgrades
Photo: Dr. Robert Lemon, MD
How would you rate your experience with Dr. Robert Lemon, MD?
  • Likelihood of recommending Dr. Lemon to family and friends

Dr. Lemon's Office & Staff

  • Ease of scheduling urgent appointments
  • Office environment, cleanliness, comfort, etc.
  • Staff friendliness and courteousness
  • Total wait time (waiting & exam rooms)

Experience with Dr. Lemon

  • Level of trust in provider's decisions
  • How well provider explains medical condition(s)
  • How well provider listens and answers questions
  • Hpends appropriate amount of time with patients

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  • Number of office visits you've had in the last 2 years:

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Telehealth Options
This provider has not specified a telehealth appointment method. Would you still like to make an appointment with Dr. Lemon?
Call now to make an appointment
(559) 447-4949

About Me

Medical Oncology
Hematology & Oncology
  • *Sharecare does not verify qualifications for medical specialties. Please verify your provider's specialty and qualifications directly with your provider and applicable medical board.


Medical Education
  • University of California Irvine
Medical Education

Board Certifications

Board Certifications
  • Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology
Board Certifications
What’s a board certification and why is it important that my provider has one?

A board certification represents a provider’s dedication to ongoing training in one or more specialties, including the completion of intensive exams. While not all specialties have board certifications, if your provider does have one they’ve taken the extra step to master their specialty and to keep up with the latest advancements in their field.


Residency Hospital
  • Loma Linda University Medical Center|Riverside General Hosp-Loma Linda University Medical Center
Residency Hospital


Fellowship Hospital
  • Scripps Clin & Rsrch Found
Fellowship Hospital
Common Questions and Answers
Responses are sourced directly from patients.
Does Dr. Lemon communicate via email?
No responses yet.
Does Dr. Lemon offer telehealth services or virtual visits?
No responses yet.
Does Dr. Lemon offer an online patient portal?
1 user said yes.
Does Dr. Lemon have free onsite parking?
2 users said yes.
Does Dr. Lemon offer weekend visits?
No responses yet.
Does Dr. Lemon offer evening visits?
No responses yet.
Does Dr. Lemon specialize in working with children or adolescents?
No responses yet.
Does Dr. Lemon specialize in working with seniors?
No responses yet.
Does Dr. Lemon specialize in couples therapy?
No responses yet.
Does Dr. Lemon specialize in working with LGBTQ+ community?
No responses yet.
Does Dr. Lemon accept insurance?
No responses yet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find contact information here to make an appointment.

A list of accepted insurance providers is available on the Sharecare insurance check. It is always a good idea to verify your insurance when making an appointment.

New patients are generally accepted by Dr. Robert Lemon, MD. To arrange an appointment, call the number on Dr. Lemon's profile.

Dr. Lemon frequently treats the following conditions: Venous Embolism and Thrombosis, Anemia and Vitamin B12 Deficiency. See more on Sharecare.

Dr. Robert Lemon, MD is affiliated with Saint Agnes Medical Center and St. Peter's Health Regional Medical Center.

Yes, Dr. Robert Lemon, MD holds board certification in Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology.

Hospital Affiliations

  • Saint Agnes Medical Center

    1303 E Herndon Ave, Fresno, CA

  • St. Peter's Health Regional Medical Center

    2475 E Broadway St, Helena, MT