Dr. Robert Gold, MD
Dr. Robert Gold, MD
Offers telehealth
Dr. Gold graduated from
This provider offers telehealth appointments. Call the office to schedule.
Patients said this doctor explains conditions well.
Patients said this doctor is trustworthy.
Patients said the staff was friendly.
Patients said scheduling was easy.
Experience Check
Insurance Accepted
Select HMO
Coventry Health Care
National (BlueCard) PPO
Superior Health Plan
Cigna PPO
First Health (Coventry Health Care)
United Healthcare
MCM Maxcare
Sunshine Health
MultiPlan PPO
BlueDental Choice
Magellan Healthcare
HealthyBlue Advantage
Beech Street (Multiplan)
Golden Rule
Coventry Health Care of Florida
Staywell (Wellcare)
Health First Health Plans
Blue Card PPO
Curative EPOCurative PPOCurative PPO Plus
Florida Pediatric Associates LLC790 Concourse Pkwy S Ste 200, Maitland, FL 32751
Fpa Specialists LLC1033 Dr Martin Luther King Jr St N Ste 108, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701
Patient Satisfaction
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I had strabismus surgery as a child and thought I was good to go, fast forward many years later and I am seeing double, can’t drive at night etc. Dr Gold did a repeat surgery on my other eye, last night I drove for 5 hours in the dark, no double vision, haloes or needing to close one eye to judge distance, it was brilliant, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
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About Me
- *Sharecare does not verify qualifications for medical specialties. Please verify your provider's specialty and qualifications directly with your provider and applicable medical board.
Tulane University School of Medicine
Board Certifications
- Ophthalmology
Ochsner Fdn
La St University
James Hall Eye Ctr/Scottish
Frequently Asked Questions
Find contact information here to make an appointment.
A list of accepted insurance providers is available on the Sharecare insurance check. It is always a good idea to verify your insurance when making an appointment.
New patients are generally accepted by Dr. Robert Gold, MD. To arrange an appointment, call the number on Dr. Gold's profile.
Dr. Gold in specializes in Pediatric Ophthalmology. See more on Sharecare.
Dr. Gold frequently treats the following conditions: Strabismus, Lazy Eye and Esotropia. See more on Sharecare.
Dr. Gold's office is located at 790 Concourse Pkwy S Ste 200 Maitland, FL 32751. You can find other locations and directions on Sharecare.
Dr. Gold is able to speak Spanish. View profile to see all.
Dr. Gold provides telehealth services. Please contact the office to determine whether you are eligible.
Dr. Robert Gold, MD is affiliated with AdventHealth Deland, AdventHealth New Smyrna Beach, AdventHealth Orlando, AdventHealth Waterman, AdventHealth Daytona Beach, Cape Canaveral Hospital, Nemours Children's Hospital, Florida, Orlando Health Orlando Regional Medical Center and Orlando Health South Lake Hospital.
Yes, Dr. Robert Gold, MD holds board certification in Ophthalmology.
Dr. Robert Gold, MD has a star rating of 3.8/5. See more patient feedback on Sharecare.
Hospital Affiliations
AdventHealth Deland
701 W Plymouth Ave, Deland, FL
AdventHealth New Smyrna Beach
401 Palmetto St, New Smyrna Beach, FL
AdventHealth Orlando
601 E Rollins St, Orlando, FL
AdventHealth Waterman
1000 Waterman Way, Tavares, FL
AdventHealth Daytona Beach
301 Memorial Medical Pkwy, Daytona Beach, FL
Cape Canaveral Hospital
701 W Cocoa Beach Cswy, Cocoa Beach, FL
Nemours Children's Hospital, Florida
6535 Nemours Pkwy, Orlando, FL
Orlando Health Orlando Regional Medical Center
52 Underwood St, Orlando, FL
Orlando Health South Lake Hospital
1900 Don Wickham Dr, Clermont, FL