Dr. Ross Chapel, MD
Dr. Ross Chapel, MD
Offers telehealth
Dr. Chapel graduated from
This provider offers telehealth appointments. Call the office to schedule.
Patients said this doctor explains conditions well.
Patients said this doctor is trustworthy.
Patients said the staff was friendly.
Patients said scheduling was easy.
Experience Check
Insurance Accepted
BlueExtrasTriple OptionBlue Cross Blue Shield of Texas POSBlue Cross Blue Shield of TexasBestChoice PPOBlueEdge Wellness Rewards HCAMultiple OptionConsumer Choice PPOBlue Texas HMOBlue Cross Blue Shield of Texas PPOConsumer Choice HMOBlueEdge HSADual OptionBlue Cross Blue Shield of Texas HMO
Medicare Advantage HMO
Care Improvement PlusOptimum Choice HMOChoice Plus PPOOxford EaseGolden Rule HMODentalFreedom Plan Metro POSGolden Rule PPOArizona Physicians IPAOptionsCommunity PlanOptum ChoiceOptions PPOAARP Medicare Complete Value HMOAARP MedicareComplete SecureHorizons Plan 1 HMOGold Copay SelectMedicare AdvantageCommunity Plan-KanCareChoice PlusGolden Rule POSChoice Plus EPOFreedom Plan DirectBronze Copay SelectOptumHealth Care SolutionsChoice EPOMedicare Advantage - Chronic Complete HMO-SNPChoice HMOUnited HealthcareChoice Plus HMOMedicare Supplement PPOOptions POSCare Improvement Plus Medicare AdvantageAARP MedicareComplete SecureHorizons Plan 2 HMOChoice Plus POSOxford LibertyOptions EPO
Choice Plus POS II
Medicare Preferred
Commercial EPO
HealthSmartHealthSmart HMOHealthSmart EPOHealthSmart POSNorth Texas Health Network
Blue Solutions HMOBlue PreferredBlue Care HMOHealthKeepersBlue Traditional PPOBlue Cross Blue Shield POSMedicare Plus Blue PPOBlue Cross and Blue ShieldBlue Care Connection PPOBlue AccessBlue Care Security PPOFEP BlueDental - High Option PPOState Employees ProgramPrudent BuyerPreferred Plus (GM)Preferred Plus (Ford)FEP BlueDental - Standard Option PPOMCare HMOBlue LincsBlue Advantage HMOBlue TraditionalPreferred PlusPreferred Care Blue PPOBlue HMOFEP Blue Dental PPO-StandardFEP BlueVision - Standard OptionBlue Card PPOBlue Cross Blue Shield HMOService Benefit Plan Nationwide BasicLumenos HIAFEP BlueVision - High OptionBlue Care SecurityFederal Employee Program BlueDental - High OptionBlue Plan 65 Medicare Supplement PPOCaring Program for ChildrenBlue Plan 65 Medicare Supplement HMOBlue AdvantageBlue Traditional HMONetwork CBlue Cross Blue Shield EPOService Benefit Plan Nationwide StandardBlue Traditional POSTrust PPOHealth SelectPreferred Care BlueBlue ChoiceNetwork PBlue Advantage Plus HMOBlue Access PPOBlue Cross Blue Shield PPOBlue Care Security HMOCaliforniaCare HMOMedicare Select HMOMedicare Blue PPOBlue Cross Blue ShieldFederal Employee Program BlueVision - High OptionFederal Employee ProgramBlue Care NetworkFEP Blue Dental PPO-HighBlue CardBlue Care Network AdvantagePreferred Plan PPOBlue Choice POSBlue Advantage Plus
Blue Select
FlexcareCigna Healthcare of New JerseyNetwork Open AccessCigna Healthcare of LouisianaCigna Healthcare of Illinois POSLocalPlusGreat West Healthcare-Cigna EPOSelect Network PPOOpen Access Plus PPOCigna EPOCignaCigna-EquicorDisney Cigna Local PlusCigna POSOpen Access POSIndemnity EPOOpen Access PlusCigna Healthcare of Texas HMOCigna Healthcare of Illinois HMOChoice Fund Open Access PlusCigna Healthcare of Texas POSNetwork POSGlobal Health BenefitsGreat West Healthcare-Cigna POSChoice Fund PPOCigna Healthcare of Illinois PPOCigna Healthcare of GeorgiaSelect Network POSGreat West Healthcare-CignaCigna PPOCigna Healthcare of Georgia PPOCigna Healthcare of Georgia HMOCigna Healthcare of Illinois EPOHealthcare of LouisianaDisney Cigna HMOGWH Open Access Plus POSCigna Healthcare of ArizonaGreat West Healthcare-Cigna HMOShared AdministrationCigna Healthcare of Texas PPOChoice FundCigna NetworkConnecticut General Life InsuranceGreat West Healthcare-Cigna PPONova HealthcareOpen Access HMO
Prudent Buyer PPO
FEP BlueDental
First Health (Coventry Health Care) PPO
HealthyBlue AdvantageHealthyBlue 2.0
National (BlueCard) PPO
Blue Choice HMOBlue Choice PPO
Blue Preferred PPOBlue Advantage PPOBlue Lincs HMO
Assurant Employee Benefits
Bronze Plan 002 HDHPCoreMed Gold 1 PPOHealth Access - ValueSilver Plan 003 PPOHealth Access - FundamentalsPlatinum Plan 002 PPOSilver Plan 004 HDHPCoreMed Silver 1 HDHPBronze Plan 001 HDHPGold Plan 002 PPOCatastrophic Plan 001 HDHPSilver Plan 001 HDHPBronze Plan 004 HDHPAssurant HealthBronze Plan 003 HDHPSilver Plan 002 PPOCoreMed Bronze 1 HDHPBronze Plan 005 HDHPHealth Access - Enhanced
Network S
Dental HMO
Commercial HMO
MVP Health Care PPO
Superior HealthPlan
Superior Health PlanAmbetterMHS HIXHIX
Medicare Advantage PFFS
MultiPlan Admar PPOMultiPlan PPOMultiPlan Wellmark PPOMultiPlan Formost PPO
Commercial PPO
Select Network HMO
Medicare HMO
Healthy KidsHealthy Kids HMOMedicaid AssignmentMedicaid HMOHealthy UCare SelectManaged Care
Curative PPO PlusCurative PPOCurative EPO
Classic BlueCommunity Blue PPO
Rio Grande Bone and Joint3330 N McColl Rd Ste 101, McAllen, TX 78501
Patient Satisfaction
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How likely are you to recommend Dr. Chapel?
I have been seen by Dr. Chapel, Mike Farris and staff for shoulder impingement. Each visit, all are kind, positive and respectful. The care given by Dr. Chapel and Mike is excellent. They give thorough explanations of the disease and treatment plan. Got a shot today - it was basically painless! Dr. Chapel also operated on my mom. He is an excellent surgeon with great bedside manner who gives compassionate care.
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About Me
- *Sharecare does not verify qualifications for medical specialties. Please verify your provider's specialty and qualifications directly with your provider and applicable medical board.
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Board Certifications
- Orthopedic Surgery
- Greenville Memorial Hospital Internship - 2010
- University of Oklahoma Residency - 2011
- University of Mississippi Fellowship - 2015
Frequently Asked Questions
Find contact information here to make an appointment.
A list of accepted insurance providers is available on the Sharecare insurance check. It is always a good idea to verify your insurance when making an appointment.
New patients are generally accepted by Dr. Ross Chapel, MD. To arrange an appointment, call the number on Dr. Chapel's profile.
Dr. Chapel in specializes in Orthopedic Surgery. See more on Sharecare.
Dr. Chapel frequently treats the following conditions: Broken Arm and Humerus Fracture. See more on Sharecare.
Dr. Chapel's office is located at 3330 N McColl Rd Ste 101 McAllen, TX 78501. You can find other locations and directions on Sharecare.
Dr. Chapel is able to speak Spanish. View profile to see all.
Dr. Chapel provides telehealth services. Please contact the office to determine whether you are eligible.
Dr. Ross Chapel, MD is affiliated with Rio Grande Regional Hospital.
Yes, Dr. Ross Chapel, MD holds board certification in Orthopedic Surgery.
Dr. Ross Chapel, MD has a star rating of 4.7/5. See more patient feedback on Sharecare.
Hospital Affiliations
Rio Grande Regional Hospital
101 E Ridge Rd, McAllen, TX