
See All Pediatric Endocrinologists in Palo Alto, CA

Dr. Sejal Shah, MD

Pediatric Endocrinology* Age 44
Dr. Sejal Shah, MD

Offers telehealth

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Dr. Sejal Shah, MD is a Pediatric Endocrinologist in Palo Alto, CA.
Dr. Sejal Shah, MD
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Dr. Sejal Shah, MD

Pediatric Endocrinology* Age 44
Palo Alto, CA
Call for new patient details
19 years of experience

Offers telehealth

Dr. Sejal Shah, MD is a Pediatric Endocrinologist in Palo Alto, CA.


Dr. Shah graduated from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Dr. Sejal Shah, MD is a Pediatric Endocrinologist in Palo Alto, CA and has 19 years experience. Dr. Shah currently practices at Practice and are affiliated with Dominican Hospital, Marian Regional Medical Center, George L Mee Memorial Hospital, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford, San Mateo Medical Center and Stanford Health Care Tri-Valley. Dr. Shah's office is not accepting new patients. Dr. Shah is board certified in Pediatric Endocrinology and accepts multiple insurance plans.

Offers Telehealth

This provider offers telehealth appointments. Call the office to schedule.

Experience Check

Enter a condition or procedure
Congenital Hypothyroidism without Goiter
Short Stature
Congenital Hypothyroidism
Congenital Hypothyroidism without Goiter
Congenital Hypothyroidism
Congenital Hypothyroidism without Goiter
Short Stature
Congenital Hypothyroidism
Acanthosis Nigricans
Adrenal Gland Diseases
Adrenal Insufficiency
Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases
Autoimmune Thyroiditis
Diabetes Type 1
Diabetes Type 2
Diabetes With Renal Manifestations
  • View other providers who treat Goiter
Graves' Disease
Growth Hormone Deficiency
Hashimoto's Disease
Menstrual Disorders
  • View other providers who treat Obesity
Precocious Puberty
Turner Syndrome
Vitamin D Deficiency
Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Abnormal Thyroid
Acromegaly and Gigantism
Adrenal Gland Cancer
Adrenal Incidentaloma
Benign Pituitary Gland Tumor
Calcium Metabolism Disorders
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)
Cushing's Syndrome
Diabetes Insipidus
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Drug Induced Adrenocortical Insufficiency
Drug Induced Thyroiditis
Endocrine Gland Cancer
Growth Delay
Hyperandrogenization Syndrome
Hyposmolality and Hyponatremia
Hypothalamus Cancer
Iodine Deficiency
Klinefelter Syndrome
  • View other providers who treat Lipedema
Lipid Disorders
Lipoprotein Disorders
Malaise and Fatigue
Metabolic Syndrome
Morbid Obesity
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Type 2A (MEN 2A)
Neuroendocrine Tumors
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Parathyroid (Gland) Disease
Pediatric Obesity
Pediatric Overweight
Phosphorus Metabolism Disorders
Pituitary Gland Cancer
Pituitary Tumor
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Primary Adrenocortical Insufficiency
Secondary Diabetes Mellitus
Secondary Hypertension
Testicular Dysfunction
Thyroid Cancer
Thyroid Cyst
Thyroid Goiter
Thyroid Nodule
Thyrotoxicosis Factitia
Diabetes Counseling
Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Thyroid Hormone Replacement

Insurance Accepted

* Please verify this information when scheduling an appointment.
  • Northern CA Cigna + Oscar Open Access Plus EPO
    Northern CA Cigna + Oscar LocalPlus EPO
  • Select PPO
    Advantage Preferred DirectAccess Plus PPO
  • California Care Small Group HMO
    Prudent Buyer Small Group CA PPO
    Select CA HMO
    Prudent Buyer Large Group CA PPO
    Pathway EPO
    Prudent Buyer Individual CA PPO
    California Care Large Group HMO
    Anthem Blue Connection EPO
  • Cigna PPO
    Open Access Plus
  • Curative PPO Plus
    Curative PPO
    Curative EPO
  • Platinum Local Access + HMO 25 HMO
    Platinum Access+ 25 HMO
    Access Plus HMO
    Local Access Plus HMO
    Bronze Full 4500 PPO
    Access Plus Savenet HMO
    Blue Shield of California
  • Advantage Health Solutions HMO
  • Blue Card PPO
    Blue Card High Performance Network HPN
  • Premier Care Network Plus - Innovation Health
    Choice Plus POS II
    Open Choice PPO
    Deductible Plan CA Members Only HMO
    Savings Plus of CA EPO
    Elect Choice (Open Access) EPO
    Managed Choice (Open Access) POS
  • First Health (Coventry Health Care) PPO
  • CA Healthnet PPO
    CA Employer Group Plans HMO
  • Nexus Open Access
    Choice Plus POS
    SignatureValue - CA HMO
    Options PPO
    Medica Choice


  1. 1 Stanford Rehabilitation Clinic
    730 Welch Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94304
  2. 2 Child And Adolescent Mental Health-Stanford Children's Health Specialty Services-Sunnyvale
    1195 W Fremont Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94087
  3. 3 Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford
    725 Welch Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94304
  4. 4 Office
    770 Welch Rd Ste 300, Palo Alto, CA 94304
  5. 5 VHC at Bascom BCP
    750 S Bascom Ave, San Jose, CA 95128

Patient Satisfaction

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Photo: Dr. Sejal Shah, MD
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Dr. Shah's Office & Staff

  • Ease of scheduling urgent appointments
  • Office environment, cleanliness, comfort, etc.
  • Staff friendliness and courteousness
  • Total wait time (waiting & exam rooms)

Experience with Dr. Shah

  • Level of trust in provider's decisions
  • How well provider explains medical condition(s)
  • How well provider listens and answers questions
  • Hpends appropriate amount of time with patients

Tell Us About Yourself

  • Your gender:
  • Your age group:
  • Number of office visits you've had in the last 2 years:

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Telehealth Options
This provider has not specified a telehealth appointment method. Would you still like to make an appointment with Dr. Shah?
Call now to make an appointment
(650) 721-1811

About Me

Pediatric Endocrinology
  • *Sharecare does not verify qualifications for medical specialties. Please verify your provider's specialty and qualifications directly with your provider and applicable medical board.


Medical Education
  • Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Medical Education

Board Certifications

Board Certifications
  • Pediatric Endocrinology
Board Certifications
What’s a board certification and why is it important that my provider has one?

A board certification represents a provider’s dedication to ongoing training in one or more specialties, including the completion of intensive exams. While not all specialties have board certifications, if your provider does have one they’ve taken the extra step to master their specialty and to keep up with the latest advancements in their field.
Common Questions and Answers
Responses are sourced directly from patients.
Does Dr. Shah communicate via email?
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Does Dr. Shah offer telehealth services or virtual visits?
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Does Dr. Shah offer an online patient portal?
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Does Dr. Shah have free onsite parking?
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Does Dr. Shah offer weekend visits?
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Does Dr. Shah offer evening visits?
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Does Dr. Shah specialize in working with children or adolescents?
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Does Dr. Shah specialize in working with seniors?
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Does Dr. Shah specialize in couples therapy?
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Does Dr. Shah specialize in working with LGBTQ+ community?
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Does Dr. Shah accept insurance?
No responses yet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find contact information here to make an appointment.

A list of accepted insurance providers is available on the Sharecare insurance check. It is always a good idea to verify your insurance when making an appointment.

New patients are generally accepted by Dr. Sejal Shah, MD. To arrange an appointment, call the number on Dr. Shah's profile.

Dr. Sejal Shah, MD is affiliated with Dominican Hospital, Marian Regional Medical Center, George L Mee Memorial Hospital, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford, San Mateo Medical Center and Stanford Health Care Tri-Valley.

Yes, Dr. Sejal Shah, MD holds board certification in Pediatric Endocrinology.

Hospital Affiliations

  • Dominican Hospital

    1555 Soquel Dr, Santa Cruz, CA

  • Marian Regional Medical Center

    1400 E Church St, Santa Maria, CA

  • George L Mee Memorial Hospital

    300 Canal St, King City, CA

  • Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford

    725 Welch Rd, Palo Alto, CA

  • San Mateo Medical Center

    222 W 39th Ave, San Mateo, CA

  • Stanford Health Care Tri-Valley

    5555 W Las Positas Blvd, Pleasanton, CA