Dr. Venkat Amara, MD
Dr. Venkat Amara, MD
Offers telehealth
Dr. Amara graduated from
This provider offers telehealth appointments. Call the office to schedule.
Patients said this doctor explains conditions well.
Patients said this doctor is trustworthy.
Patients said the staff was friendly.
Patients said scheduling was easy.
Compare with other Nephrologists
Experience Check
Insurance Accepted
Molina Healthcare
Blue Card PPO
United Healthcare
Coventry Health Care
HealthSun Health Plans
National (BlueCard) PPO
First Health (Coventry Health Care) PPO
MultiPlan PPO
Comprehensive Kidney Care of South Florida3854 Sheridan St Ste A, Hollywood, FL 33021Monday08:30 - 17:00Tuesday08:30 - 17:00Wednesday08:30 - 17:00Thursday08:30 - 17:00Friday08:30 - 17:00SaturdayClosedSundayClosed
Patient Satisfaction
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Amazing experience received blood work for follow up , little concerned , called office to set up sooner appointment to address !the nurse immediately set up telehealth within 5 minutes Dr Amara himself called me back to go over bloodwork , to away total stress explained every detail can’t say enough about this office Dr and all his amazing staff every time I have called with a question The actual Dr calls back within 5 minutes to answer questions himself , I highly recommend Dr Amara to everyone ,always thanking him for being the very best Dr !Jo-Anna Grumko
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About Me
- *Sharecare does not verify qualifications for medical specialties. Please verify your provider's specialty and qualifications directly with your provider and applicable medical board.
- Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences
Board Certifications
- Internal Medicine and Nephrology
Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences
Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
Ohio State University Medical Center
Frequently Asked Questions
Find contact information here to make an appointment.
A list of accepted insurance providers is available on the Sharecare insurance check. It is always a good idea to verify your insurance when making an appointment.
New patients are generally accepted by Dr. Venkat Amara, MD. To arrange an appointment, call the number on Dr. Amara's profile.
Dr. Amara in specializes in Nephrology. See more on Sharecare.
Dr. Amara frequently treats the following conditions: Dehydration, Hypotension (Excluding Maternal) and Acidosis. See more on Sharecare.
Dr. Amara's office is located at 3854 Sheridan St Ste A Hollywood, FL 33021. You can find other locations and directions on Sharecare.
Dr. Amara is able to speak Hindi and Telugu. View profile to see all.
Dr. Amara provides telehealth services. Please contact the office to determine whether you are eligible.
Dr. Venkat Amara, MD is affiliated with Memorial Hospital Pembroke, Memorial Hospital Miramar, Memorial Hospital West, Memorial Regional Hospital and Memorial Regional Hospital South.
Yes, Dr. Venkat Amara, MD holds board certification in Internal Medicine and Nephrology.
Dr. Venkat Amara, MD has a star rating of 5.0/5. See more patient feedback on Sharecare.
Hospital Affiliations
Memorial Hospital Pembroke
7800 Sheridan St, Pembroke Pines, FL
Memorial Hospital Miramar
1901 SW 172nd Ave, Miramar, FL
Memorial Hospital West
703 N Flamingo Rd, Pembroke Pines, FL
Memorial Regional Hospital
3501 Johnson St, Hollywood, FL
Memorial Regional Hospital South
3600 Washington St, Hollywood, FL