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Dr. Emily Harper, OD

Optometry* Age 44
Dr. Emily Harper, OD
5.0 (4 Ratings)
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Dr. Emily Harper, OD is an Optometrist in Lafayette, TN.
Dr. Emily Harper, OD
5.0 (4 Ratings)
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Dr. Emily Harper, OD

Optometry* Age 44
Lafayette, TN
Accepting new patients
Dr. Emily Harper, OD is an Optometrist in Lafayette, TN.


Dr. Harper studied at Lipscomb University. Dr. Emily Harper, OD is an Optometrist in Lafayette, TN. Dr. Harper currently practices at Dr. Emily Harper O.D. At present, Dr. Harper received an average rating of 5.0/5 from patients and has been reviewed 4 times. Dr. Harper's office accepts new patients. Dr. Harper accepts multiple insurance plans.

Explains Conditions Well

Patients said this doctor explains conditions well.


Patients said this doctor is trustworthy.

Low Wait Times

Patients are usually seen in 10 minutes or less.

Friendly Staff

Patients said the staff was friendly.

Easy Scheduling

Patients said scheduling was easy.


  1. 1 Dr. Emily Lough O.D. - Emily Harper
    419 Highway 52 Byp W, Lafayette, TN 37083

Experience and Background Check

Acanthamoeba Keratitis
Accidental Eye Injuries
Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma
Acanthamoeba Keratitis
Accidental Eye Injuries
Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma
Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Allergic Conjunctivitis
  • View other providers who treat Cataract
Corneal Abrasion
Diabetic Eye Disease
Diabetic Retinopathy
Dry Eyes
  • View other providers who treat Dry Eyes
Eye Disease
Eye Infections
Eye Injuries
Eyelid Inflammation
Foreign Body in Eye
  • View other providers who treat Glaucoma
Lazy Eye
  • View other providers who treat Lazy Eye
Macular Degeneration
Pinkeye (Conjunctivitis)

Patient Satisfaction

Likelihood to recommend Dr. Harper
Based on 4 Reviews
5 Stars (4)
4 Stars (0)
3 Stars (0)
2 Stars (0)
1 Star (0)

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Patient Reviews
Aug 31, 2022
Dr. Lough is very knowledgeable and takes the time to listen to any patient concerns or questions. She explains in simple language for anyone, what is causing the problems you are having with your eyes and any care you can do at home to care for them. Dr. Lough always answers any questions you have and is never intimidating. She is a very kind, compassionate and loving doctor that only whats the best for her patients. The staff in her office are very responsive to calls or returning messages. You know you have a wonderful doctor when you actually look forward to your appointments. I have been seeing Dr. Lough for all my eye care needs, for years. She is the only one I trust with my eyes. Dr. Lough is the best. Her also excepts a large number of insurances. Fortunately mine is one of those. She is also fabulous with kids and the elderly, if you have someone that is wary of going to doctor appointments. She is very popular because of her great service so always try to schedule early.
— Aug 31, 2022
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Photo: Dr. Emily Harper, OD
How would you rate your experience with Dr. Emily Harper, OD?
  • Likelihood of recommending Dr. Harper to family and friends

Dr. Harper's Office & Staff

  • Ease of scheduling urgent appointments
  • Office environment, cleanliness, comfort, etc.
  • Staff friendliness and courteousness
  • Total wait time (waiting & exam rooms)

Experience with Dr. Harper

  • Level of trust in provider's decisions
  • How well provider explains medical condition(s)
  • How well provider listens and answers questions
  • Hpends appropriate amount of time with patients

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  • Number of office visits you've had in the last 2 years:

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Insurance Accepted

* Please verify this information when scheduling an appointment.
  • Navigate HMO
    Nexus Open Access
    Options PPO
    Choice Plus POS
    Navigate POS
  • First Health (Coventry Health Care) PPO
  • Cigna PPO
    Open Access Plus
  • Blue Network L
    Blue Network P PPO
    Blue Network S PPO
  • Blue Card High Performance Network HPN
    Blue Card PPO

About Me

  • Dr. Emily Harper, OD is an optometrist in Lafayette, TN. She specializes in Optometry.
  • *Sharecare does not verify qualifications for medical specialties. Please verify your provider's specialty and qualifications directly with your provider and applicable medical board.
Common Questions and Answers
Responses are sourced directly from patients.
Does Dr. Harper communicate via email?
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Does Dr. Harper offer telehealth services or virtual visits?
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Does Dr. Harper offer an online patient portal?
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Does Dr. Harper have free onsite parking?
1 user said yes.
Does Dr. Harper offer weekend visits?
1 user said yes.
Does Dr. Harper offer evening visits?
No responses yet.
Does Dr. Harper specialize in working with children or adolescents?
No responses yet.
Does Dr. Harper specialize in working with seniors?
No responses yet.
Does Dr. Harper specialize in couples therapy?
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Does Dr. Harper specialize in working with LGBTQ+ community?
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Does Dr. Harper accept insurance?
No responses yet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find contact information here to make an appointment.

A list of accepted insurance providers is available on the Sharecare insurance check. It is always a good idea to verify your insurance when making an appointment.

New patients are generally accepted by Dr. Emily Harper, OD. To arrange an appointment, call the number on Dr. Harper's profile.

Dr. Emily Harper, OD

Dr. Emily Harper, OD
