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Heather Fleming, ARNP-C

Orthopedic Nursing*
Heather Fleming, ARNP-C
5.0 (1 Ratings)
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Heather Fleming, ARNP-C is an Orthopedic Nurse in Ocala, FL.
Heather Fleming, ARNP-C
5.0 (1 Ratings)
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Heather Fleming, ARNP-C

Orthopedic Nursing*
Ocala, FL
Accepting new patients
Heather Fleming, ARNP-C is an Orthopedic Nurse in Ocala, FL.
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Heather Fleming, ARNP-C is an Orthopedic Nurse in Ocala, FL. Heather Fleming currently practices at AdventHealth Medical Group Heart Care & Surgical Specialists at Deerwood and are affiliated with AdventHealth Ocala. Heather Fleming's office accepts new patients.

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Patient Reviews
Jun 22, 2024
I would first like to say that I’ve taken time to write this review because it deserved my undivided attention, and my injury took a lot of focus. Before going into detail, I would like to give my sincere gratitude and appreciation to Heather for accepting me as a patient. I visited Heater Lynn Fleming, APRN on June 7th, 2024, after multiple attempts for referrals from my primary care physician Dr. Alexander Lvovich Kushnir, MD for me to see an orthopedic surgeon. My referral was refused by other doctors based on the term used for the injury being “Hematoma” when in fact it was ultimately diagnosed as a Morel-Lavallee lesion. Unfortunately, my wound was originally misdiagnosed by an emergency room radiologist that worked for Kaiser Permanente that’s already been reported. The term “Hematoma” is commonly referred to as a bruise that is expected to cure itself over a period of weeks. However, my injury was getting worse that forced me to seek alternate treatment. I tried going to a local walk-in clinic that I was told there was nothing they could do for a hematoma and it was a waste of time for them to look at. They also referred to it as a bruise and stated multiple times that there was nothing they could do to help; however, they wouldn’t even take the time to look at it stating it was a waste of time. I was fortunate enough to find Doctor Alexander Lvovich Kushnir that was able to see me a few days after scheduling an appointment even as a new patient. I had my appointment with Dr. Kushnir on Friday May 31st that immediately requested an EMERGENCY referral to an orthopedic surgeon. Unfortunately, when I tried calling the surgeon I was told that the doctor wouldn’t see me for a hematoma even after telling the receptionist that it was a referral from my primary care physician. I had to call my primary physician not once but twice for being turned down by the surgeons. It wasn’t until the referral went to Heather Fleming that I was able to get an appointment that Friday June 7th. I was so relieved and appreciative to get an appointment by Heather. As soon as Heather saw the injury, she immediately requested Doctor Melbourne, orthopedic surgeon, look at the injury and properly diagnose it as a Morel-Lavallee lesion. Doctor Melbourne and Heather had me scheduled for Pre-Admission Testing the following Monday and surgery the following Wednesday. The type of injury I sustained requires immediate treatment otherwise it could, and did, lead to additional surgical exploration and treatment. It’s noted in multiple case studies and articles that this type of injury has a “high rate of acute bacterial colonization and chronic recurrence”. I was extremely lucky to have such a wonderful Nurse Practitioner, Heather Fleming, care for me that my gratitude extends far beyond any review I could write. She is heavily thought of and talked about every time I have any discussions about my injury. I’m also extremely grateful to Doctor Melbourne for his extensive knowledge and experience that treated me with the best care possible. Heather; thank you for everything and I wish you and all the staff nothing but the very best! You are an angel ??
Ray L — Jun 22, 2024
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Photo: Heather Fleming, ARNP-C
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Heather Fleming's Office & Staff

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Experience with Heather Fleming

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  • How well provider explains medical condition(s)
  • How well provider listens and answers questions
  • Hpends appropriate amount of time with patients

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Insurance Accepted

* Please verify this information when scheduling an appointment.
  • Blue Card PPO
    Blue Card High Performance Network HPN
  • Open Access Plus

About Me

  • Heather Fleming, ARNP-C is an orthopedic nurse in Ocala, FL. She specializes in Orthopedic Nursing and Nursing (Nurse Practitioner).
Orthopedic Nursing
Nursing (Nurse Practitioner)
  • *Sharecare does not verify qualifications for medical specialties. Please verify your provider's specialty and qualifications directly with your provider and applicable medical board.
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Does Heather Fleming have free onsite parking?
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Frequently Asked Questions

Find contact information here to make an appointment.

A list of accepted insurance providers is available on the Sharecare insurance check. It is always a good idea to verify your insurance when making an appointment.

New patients are generally accepted by Heather Fleming, ARNP-C. To arrange an appointment, call the number on Heather Fleming's profile.

Heather Fleming, ARNP-C is affiliated with AdventHealth Ocala.

Hospital Affiliations

  • AdventHealth Ocala

    1500 SW 1st Ave, Ocala, FL

Heather Fleming, ARNP-C

Heather Fleming, ARNP-C


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