
See All Counselors in Mc Lean, VA

Nicholas B Liappis, LPC

Counseling* Age 50
Nicholas B Liappis, LPC
5.0 (2 Ratings)

Offers telehealth

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Nicholas B Liappis, LPC is a Counselor in Mc Lean, VA.
Nicholas B Liappis, LPC
5.0 (2 Ratings)
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Nicholas B Liappis, LPC

Counseling* Age 50
Mc Lean, VA
Accepting new patients

Offers telehealth

Nicholas B Liappis, LPC is a Counselor in Mc Lean, VA.


Nicholas B Liappis studied at James Madison University - B.S. Psychology. Nicholas B Liappis, LPC is a Counselor in Mc Lean, VA. Nicholas B Liappis currently practices at Practice. At present, Nicholas B Liappis received an average rating of 5.0/5 from patients and has been reviewed 2 times. Nicholas B Liappis' office accepts new patients and telehealth appointments. Nicholas B Liappis accepts multiple insurance plans.

Offers Telehealth

This provider offers telehealth appointments. Call the office to schedule.

Explains Conditions Well

Patients said this doctor explains conditions well.


Patients said this doctor is trustworthy.

Low Wait Times

Patients are usually seen in 10 minutes or less.

Friendly Staff

Patients said the staff was friendly.

Easy Scheduling

Patients said scheduling was easy.

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These providers are on the medical staff of Rula Health.

Experience Check

Enter a condition or procedure
Acute Mental Disorders
Acute Stress Disorder (ASD)
Acute Mental Disorders
Acute Stress Disorder (ASD)
Adjustment Disorder
  • View other providers who treat Anxiety
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Hyperactive Impulsive Type
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Inattentive Type
Chronic Depression (Dysthymia)
Computer Addiction
Depressive Disorders
Disruptive Behavior Disorders
Gaming Addiction
Gender Dysphoria
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • View other providers who treat Grief
Impulse Control Disorders
Major Depressive Disorder
Major Depressive Episode
Marijuana Abuse
Marijuana Amotivational Syndrome
Mood Disorders
Mood Disorders (Dysthymia and Cyclothymia)
Nondependent Alcohol Abuse
Nondependent Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Panic Attack
Phase of Life Problem
  • View other providers who treat Phobia
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Psychological Addiction
Psychological Disorders
School Refusal
Self-Esteem Problems
Separation Anxiety
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Dysfunction
Social Anxiety Disorder
Social Phobia
  • View other providers who treat Stress
Substance Abuse
Workplace Depression
Addiction Treatment
Adolescent Counseling
Behavior Modification
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Counseling for Gay and-or Lesbian Individuals
Counseling Services
Grief Therapy
Individual Therapy
LGBT Affirmative Psychotherapy
Mental Status Examination
Pediatric Counseling
Play Therapy
Psychological Counseling
Psychotherapy Services
Relaxation Therapy
Sandplay Therapy
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)
Stress Management
Substance Abuse Treatment
Supportive Counseling

Insurance Accepted

* Please verify this information when scheduling an appointment.
  • GEHA
  • Anthem
    HealthKeepers HMO-POS
  • Behavioral Health
  • Choice Plus POS II
    APCN Open Access Aetna Select
    Small Group Maryland HMO
    Managed Choice (Open Access) POS
    Small Group Maryland Elect Choice Open Access
    Aetna HMO
    Open Choice PPO
    Elect Choice (Open Access) EPO
  • Basic Plan
  • Blue Preferred PPO
    HealthyBlue HMO
    Blue Choice Advantage
  • MD-Individual Practice Association, Inc. (M.D. IPA), a UnitedHealthcare Company
  • Federal Employee Program (FEP)
  • CareFirst BlueChoice, Inc.
  • KeyCare PPO
    Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield PPO
  • CareFirst Admnistrators
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO
    Blue Card PPO
  • United Healthcare
  • BlueChoice Advantage POS
    HealthBlue PPO
    BluePreferred PPO
  • Cigna PPO
    Open Access Plus
    Cigna Network
    Cigna HMO


  1. 1 Nicholas B. Liappis LLC
    6888 Elm St Ste 102, Mc Lean, VA 22101

Patient Satisfaction

Likelihood to recommend Nicholas B Liappis
Based on 2 Reviews
5 Stars (2)
4 Stars (0)
3 Stars (0)
2 Stars (0)
1 Star (0)

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Patient Reviews
Jun 18, 2020
Nick Liappis is just an amazing counselor. He helped both me and my now 19 yo son (at different times). My son was first, when he was 16 yo. He tried so many therapists, but Nick Liappis was the only one he liked from the start, came to trust, and ultimately helped my son conquer his anxiety and depression. I told my son I was writing this review and asked him why Nick? What was it about Nick Liappis that made the difference? My son said, "He just made me feel like I could be myself when talking to him, and not feel judged." I was so impressed by how much Nick helped my son that I started seeing Nick for my own problems once my son went off to college. I got to see why my son felt that way. Nick Liappis is soft-spoken and humble. Although clearly very skilled at his profession, he doesn't talk down to you like he's the fact he'll even tell you that nobody knows you better than yourself. He helped us immensely and highly recommend him.
Jason B — Jun 18, 2020
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Photo: Nicholas B Liappis, LPC
How would you rate your experience with Nicholas B Liappis, LPC?
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Nicholas B Liappis' Office & Staff

  • Ease of scheduling urgent appointments
  • Office environment, cleanliness, comfort, etc.
  • Staff friendliness and courteousness
  • Total wait time (waiting & exam rooms)

Experience with Nicholas B Liappis

  • Level of trust in provider's decisions
  • How well provider explains medical condition(s)
  • How well provider listens and answers questions
  • Hpends appropriate amount of time with patients

Tell Us About Yourself

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  • Your age group:
  • Number of office visits you've had in the last 2 years:

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Telehealth Options
This provider has not specified a telehealth appointment method. Would you still like to make an appointment with Nicholas B Liappis?
Call now to make an appointment
(703) 705-2478

About Me

Addiction Psychology
Cognitive & Behavioral Psychology
Men's Health Psychology
Addiction and Substance Abuse Counseling
Anxiety Disorders
Adolescent Psychology
Play Therapy
Individual Counseling
Behavioral Therapy
Grief and Bereavement
Psychological Trauma
Mental Health
  • *Sharecare does not verify qualifications for medical specialties. Please verify your provider's specialty and qualifications directly with your provider and applicable medical board.
Common Questions and Answers
Responses are sourced directly from patients.
Does Nicholas B Liappis communicate via email?
1 user said yes.
Does Nicholas B Liappis offer telehealth services or virtual visits?
1 user said yes.
Does Nicholas B Liappis offer an online patient portal?
1 user said yes.
Does Nicholas B Liappis have free onsite parking?
1 user said yes.
Does Nicholas B Liappis offer weekend visits?
2 users said yes.
Does Nicholas B Liappis offer evening visits?
1 user said yes.
Does Nicholas B Liappis specialize in working with children or adolescents?
No responses yet.
Does Nicholas B Liappis specialize in working with seniors?
No users said yes.
Does Nicholas B Liappis specialize in couples therapy?
No users said yes.
Does Nicholas B Liappis specialize in working with LGBTQ+ community?
1 user said yes.
Does Nicholas B Liappis accept insurance?
1 user said yes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find contact information here to make an appointment.

A list of accepted insurance providers is available on the Sharecare insurance check. It is always a good idea to verify your insurance when making an appointment.

New patients are generally accepted by Nicholas B Liappis, LPC. To arrange an appointment, call the number on Nicholas B Liappis' profile.