1. Walk at home. Can't get out of your PJs? No problem.
2. Set a goal. Give yourself something to shoot for—like logging 10,000 steps for the first time—and you're more likely to stay in the game. A goal can be anything from making a big checkmark on the calendar for every day you walk (yes—you did it!) to walking an extra mile.
3. Promise a pal. Remember that popular elementary school slogan, Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance? It can get you moving when your motivation is zip. How? If you have a walking date with a friend, your dog, or a group at the mall, you're much more likely to show up—and be glad you did.
4. Pump it up. Maybe what your walk needs is a little amping up to keep you interested. Could it be time to try Nordic walking or do some hill intervals? Try these workout boosters.
5. Do it because you can. There are people who can't walk (just for openers, think of all the disabled vets back from war zones). Some of our own walking buddies say that remembering that they can walk when others can't is what gets them going on their "don't want to" days.
6. Put on a pedometer. It turns walking into a game. Didn't get your steps in today? See how many you can take while making dinner. Then challenge yourself to do 2,000 more while watching Dancing with the Stars (it will be a cinch compared to the on-screen steps).
7. Do it anyway. The hardest step is the first one. Once you step out the door or onto the treadmill, you're likely to keep going. Stop searching for reasons not to go, and get out there.