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Keck Med Ctr USC Ent/Head SGY

Speech-Language Pathology
Ear, Nose, and Throat
11 Providers
1450 San Pablo St Los Angeles, CA

Make an Appointment

(323) 442-5790

Telehealth services available

Keck Med Ctr USC Ent/Head SGY is a medical group practice located in Los Angeles, CA. This practice specializes in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Keck Med Ctr USC Ent/Head SGY is located at 1450 San Pablo St, Los Angeles, CA 90033.

Providers at Keck Med Ctr USC Ent/Head SGY specialize in Audiology, Speech-Language Pathology, and Ear, Nose, and Throat.

Eleven providers practice at Keck Med Ctr USC Ent/Head SGY.

Use the insurance check on this page to verify if Keck Med Ctr USC Ent/Head SGY is in-network.


  1. OHNS clinic

    1. 1
      1450 San Pablo St, Los Angeles, CA 90033 Directions (323) 442-5790
    2. 2
      1200 N State St, Los Angeles, CA 90089 Directions (323) 226-7315