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Path Mental Health - New York

Behavioral Sleep Medicine
Marriage & Family Therapy
5 Providers
332 S Michigan Ave Chicago, IL

Make an Appointment

(323) 676-1233

Telehealth services available

Path Mental Health - New York is a medical group practice located in Chicago, IL. This practice specializes in Counseling and Behavioral Sleep Medicine.


Medical Services
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Frequently Asked Questions

Path Mental Health - New York is located at 332 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60604.

Providers at Path Mental Health - New York specialize in Counseling, Behavioral Sleep Medicine, and Marriage & Family Therapy.

Five providers practice at Path Mental Health - New York.

Use the insurance check on this page to verify if Path Mental Health - New York is in-network.


  1. Office

    1. 1
      332 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60604 Directions (323) 676-1233
    2. 2
      601 Carlson Pkwy, Minnetonka, MN 55305 Directions (323) 676-1233
    3. 3
      23120 Alicia Pkwy, Mission Viejo, CA 92692 Directions (949) 242-9131
    4. 4
      2401 Fountain View Dr, Houston, TX 77057 Directions (281) 426-0119
    5. 5
      4350 Highway 6 N, Houston, TX 77084 Directions (682) 237-9857
    6. 6
      450 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10017 Directions (323) 676-1233
    7. 7
      450 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10017 Directions (323) 676-1233
    8. 8
      450 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10017 Directions (323) 676-1233
    9. 9
      450 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10017 Directions (323) 676-1233
    10. 10
      400 Renaissance Ctr, Monaca, PA 15061 Directions (323) 676-1233
    11. 11
      400 Renaissance Ctr, Monaca, PA 15061 Directions (323) 676-1233
    12. 12
      480 Union Blvd Unit 188, West Islip, NY 11795 Directions (631) 834-8647
    13. 13
      5 W Mendenhall St, Bozeman, MT 59715 Directions (323) 676-1233
    14. 14
      500 Ala Moana Blvd, Honolulu, HI 96813 Directions (323) 676-1233
    15. 15
      110 N Corcoran St, Durham, NC 27701 Directions (323) 676-1233
    16. 16
      110 N Corcoran St, Durham, NC 27701 Directions (323) 676-1233
    17. 17
      110 N Corcoran St, Durham, NC 27701 Directions (323) 676-1233
    18. 18
      110 N Corcoran St, Durham, NC 27701 Directions (323) 676-1233
    19. 19
      110 N Corcoran St, Durham, NC 27701 Directions (323) 676-1233
    20. 20
      332 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60604 Directions (323) 676-1233
    21. 21
      332 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60604 Directions (323) 676-1233
    22. 22
      332 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60604 Directions (323) 676-1233
    23. 23
      333 N Alabama St, Saint Louis, MO 63131 Directions (323) 676-1233
    24. 24
      2739 W Lithuanian Plaza Ct, Chicago, IL 60629 Directions (773) 453-2886
    25. 25
      2815 Elliott Ave, Seattle, WA 98121 Directions (323) 676-1233
    26. 26
      101 Federal St, Boston, MA 02110 Directions (323) 676-1233
    27. 27
      101 Federal St, Boston, MA 02110 Directions (323) 676-1233
    28. 28
      101 Federal St, Boston, MA 02110 Directions (323) 676-1233
    29. 29
      10200 Miller Rd, Miami, FL 33165 Directions (305) 000-0000
    30. 30
      830 Morris Tpke, Short Hills, NJ 07078 Directions (323) 676-1233
    31. 31
      100 West Rd, Towson, MD 21204 Directions (323) 676-1233
    32. 32
      950 W Bannock St, Boise, ID 83702 Directions (323) 676-1233
    33. 33
      996 Helen St, Fayetteville, NC 28303 Directions (910) 635-0115
    34. 34
      1980 Festival Plaza Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89135 Directions (323) 676-1233
    35. 35
      1980 Festival Plaza Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89135 Directions (323) 676-1233
    36. 36
      1980 Festival Plaza Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89135 Directions (323) 676-1233
    37. 37
      1285 Marks Church Rd Ste F, Augusta, GA 30909 Directions (706) 530-5397
    38. 38
      1285 Marks Church Rd Ste F, Augusta, GA 30909 Directions (706) 530-5397
    39. 39
      22 N Main St, Salado, TX 76571 Directions (325) 266-1168
    40. 40
      312 4th St, San Diego, CA 92118 Directions (323) 676-1233
    41. 41
      312 4th St, San Diego, CA 92118 Directions (323) 676-1233
    42. 42
      1600 Broadway, Carmichael, CA 95608 Directions (323) 676-1233
    43. 43
      1600 Broadway, Denver, CO 80202 Directions (323) 676-1233
    44. 44
      901 N Glebe Rd, Arlington, VA 22203 Directions (323) 676-1233
    45. 45
      78 SW 7th St, Miami, FL 33130 Directions (323) 676-1233
    46. 46
      78 SW 7th St, Miami, FL 33130 Directions (323) 676-1233
    47. 47
      78 SW 7th St, Miami, FL 33130 Directions (323) 676-1233
    48. 48
      78 SW 7th St, Miami, FL 33130 Directions (323) 676-1233
    49. 49
      78 SW 7th St, Miami, FL 33130 Directions (323) 676-1233
    50. 50
      800 N High St, Columbus, OH 43215 Directions (323) 676-1233
    51. 51
      800 N High St, Columbus, OH 43215 Directions (323) 676-1233
    52. 52
      424 Church St, Nashville, TN 37219 Directions (323) 676-1233
    53. 53
      424 Church St, Nashville, TN 37219 Directions (323) 676-1233
    54. 54
      5201 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054 Directions (323) 508-2308
    55. 55
      5201 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054 Directions (323) 508-2308
    56. 56
      5201 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054 Directions (323) 676-1233
    57. 57
      600 Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78701 Directions (323) 676-1233
    58. 58
      600 Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78701 Directions (323) 676-1233