
Recognizing concussion symptoms in your child

Don't let hard head hits go unnoticed with these expert tips.

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No matter how vigilant you may be, head injuries to kids and teens happen all too often, and sometimes they can lead to a concussion. Whether it's during your child's soccer match, an accident on the playground or even a nasty fall in the house, a concussion can come out of nowhere. But while some symptoms of a concussion are immediately apparent, some may not be so clear.Show More

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Physical Symptoms

While children may experience a number of symptoms, probably the number one complaint of a child with a concussion is a headache. Other physical symptoms to look out for include nausea, vomiting, dizziness or lack of physical coordination, sensitivity to light and sound, ringing in the ears,Show More

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Thinking or Memory Symptoms

Physical symptoms aren't the only concussion signs to watch for. A child with a concussion may be slow to respond, seem confused and even have amnesia regarding the event. While they heal, they may have difficulty thinking clearly, concentrating, learning and digesting new information. “That's theShow More

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Emotional Symptoms

You may start to visibly notice that your child is acting differently—and usually not in a good way. "One of the more important things I ask parents is 'Is this your child? Is your child acting what you would consider normally?'” says Dr. Cutter. “And usually the answer is no—he's usually happierShow More

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Other Important Symptoms

"A lot of times kids—especially younger ones—can't pinpoint what they're feeling, they just know that they 'don't feel right,'” says Dr. Hopp. This is another big red flag of a concussion. Concussions can also cause changes in kids’ sleep patterns. They may be unusually drowsy, sleep more or lessShow More

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What To Do if You Spot Concussion Symptoms

According to Dr. Hopp, the process of what to do after a concussion depends heavily on the age of your child. If an injury happens at an organized school function or sports event, an athletic trainer or other trained person may be able to do an assessment. If not, your number one priority would beShow More

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The Most Important Thing: Rest

It's crucial to understand—and convince your child—that a concussion is a brain injury that needs time to heal. Both Dr. Hopp and Dr. Cutter emphasize the need for rest. Kids may need to ease back into school with partial days or reduced workloads, and they shouldn’t return to sports orShow More

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More Tips for Healing

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) offers the following advice for parents of children who have received concussions:

  • Ensure your child avoids high-risk/ high-speed activities that can cause another severe injury to the head while the brain is so vulnerable (second impact syndrome).
  • Talk with
  • Show More

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CTE causes, risk factors, and prevention


CTE causes, risk factors, and prevention
Repeated hits to the head can trigger long-term problems, but it’s not the only risk factor for CTE.