Health TopicsDrug information

Drug information

Get the latest information about drugs, medications, supplements and more.


What are the symptoms of tardive dyskinesia?
Tardive Dyskinesia (TD) is a neurological disorder that causes involuntary movements and the symptom...


6 prescription drug challenges—and how to overcome them
If you have a chronic condition, it’s crucial that you stick with your treatment plan.


Track your medications and save money with Sharecare
Sticking with your medication plan can be tough, but tools in the Sharecare app can help you stay th...


What is CBD and why are so many people using it?
Use of cannabidiol is growing across the country. But does it live up to the hype?


What to know about medical cannabis
Are proponents or detractors just blowing smoke?


5 steps to starting your new prescription right
Beginning a new prescription can be challenging. Here are smart strategies to make sure you start of...


Discard your old pills on national prescription drug take back day
Dispose of unwanted medications anonymously and safely at a location near you.


What is acetaminophen and how often can I take it?
Acetaminophen is a popular over-the-counter painkiller, but its safety issues range from liver damag...


3 reasons to worry about toxic BPA
You know bisphenol A (BPA) is nasty stuff. Unfortunately, the bad news about this toxin just keep...


6 ailments that call for an antibiotic
When it comes to a lingering case of the sniffles, your first instinct may still be to run to the...