6 activities you can do with AFib
Sex, exercise, and other activities may be safe for those with an irregular heartbeat.
Updated on March 14, 2024
Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a heart condition in which the heart pumps blood irregularly. It’s a type of arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat. "AFib is one of the most common arrhythmias cardiologists take care of," says Donald Orth, MD, a cardiologist with Lourdes Health System in Voorhees, New Jersey.
Arrhythmias are caused by abnormalities in the heart's electrical system, which usually keeps the heartbeat regular. They can stem from medical conditions that affect the heart, such as coronary artery disease (the most common form of heart disease), high blood pressure, infection, or sleep apnea (when the airway momentarily collapses and causes breathing to stop and re-start for brief periods of time during sleep). Sometimes, we don’t know why arrythmias happen. Medications, surgery, and electrical cardioversion (which uses electricity to shock the heart back into a regular rhythm) are used to treat arrhythmias, including AFib. If AFib goes untreated, it can lead to complications such as blood clots, which can cause a stroke.
Treating the underlying cause of AFib is the first thing a healthcare provider (HCP) will seek to do. Once your AFib is under control, it can take some time to resume your regular activities. The good news is that it’s typically safe to resume many of your favorite activities after your HCP says it is safe to do so.
Here's what you need to know about living with an irregular heartbeat.

Sex is healthy for your heart
Once AFib is controlled, Dr. Orth recommends resuming your regular activities. "Sex is fine, running is fine, gym work is fine. All these things are perfectly acceptable," he says.
There may be health benefits to being intimate, too. Sex can help alleviate headaches and improve sleep, and it may be helpful for longevity. A study of 15,000 adults published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2020 found that those who had sex more often were at a lower risk of death from any cause.
Another 2020 study—this one published in the European Journal of Preventative Cardiology—found that having sex at least once per week was associated with a 10 percent decrease in death from heart disease and a 44 percent decrease in death from causes other than heart disease.
There’s little evidence to suggest that sex is linked to heart-related deaths. In fact, a 2018 study published in the journal Circulation identified 3,000 cases of sudden cardiac arrest (when the heart suddenly stops beating), and found that just 17 of these cases occurred during or within an hour of sexual intercourse.
While regular sex may have health benefits, it's important to practice safe sex by using condoms to decrease the risk of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections when you are uncertain about the health or sexual history of someone..

Exercise is healthy for your heart
Physical activity as you are able can help control weight, protect your heart, and boost your mood. If you have AFib, exercising can improve the strength of your heart, but you may need to take precautions when exercising.
Some people with AFib may want to avoid strenuous exercises like hiking uphill or running. "Sometimes, patients have to avoid too much strenuous activity if their heart rate is not well-controlled," Orth says.
To reduce their risk of stroke, some of those with AFib take anticoagulant drugs, also called blood thinners. These increase the risk of bleeding, so people using them should be careful to avoid bumps, scrapes, and bruises. “The medications significantly reduce the chance of blood clotting and clot embolization [when a clot breaks off and gets carried in the blood to another part of the body, where it gets stuck and decreases blood supply to that area],” Orth explains.
Speak with your HCP about the best exercises for you before beginning any fitness routine. And if you experience a fluttering or pounding in your chest, fatigue, or dizziness during activity, stop and report signs to your HCP.

Managing stress is healthy for your heart
Stress is a normal part of life, but people who experience stress often or whose stressors never seem to go away may be at an increased risk of high blood pressure and heart disease, which can increase their risk of developing an irregular heartbeat.
One stressful experience may not be a danger to your heart. But if you have AFib, it's worth looking into techniques to manage the mental, physical, and emotional effects of stress. Regular exercise as you are able, adequate sleep (7-8 hours per night), and relaxation practices like meditation and yoga can help manage your stress levels.

Traveling is safe—with preparation
For the vast majority of people with heart conditions, including Afib, flying is safe.
Here’s how to be prepared when flying with a heart condition:
- Pack your medication in your carry-on bag and keep your HCP’s name and phone number handy.
- Research and locate medical facilities at your destination in case an issue arises.
- Get up and walk when possible during your flight, since prolonged sitting can increase your risk for blood clots.
- To reduce your risk of becoming ill, wash your hands frequently, make sure your vaccinations are up to date and follow official COVID-19 recommendations for travel.

A well-balanced diet is healthy for your heart
Eating a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean protein like chicken, and healthy fats like canola or olive oil is a good idea for everyone. Limiting saturated fats (which are solid at room temperature), salt, and sugar-sweetened treats and drinks is especially important for someone with a heart condition.
“Some people are sensitive to certain beverages, like alcohol or too much caffeine,” Orth says. Before pouring yourself a glass of wine or cup of coffee, speak with your HCP about how they might affect you.
Green leafy vegetables like kale and spinach are rich in vitamin K, which can alter the effects of a blood thinner medication called warfarin, so ask your HCP if you’ve been prescribed this drug. Orth also recommends being cautious around the holidays. "What we call holiday heart syndrome, where people are drinking more alcohol than they're used to, may trigger AFib," he says.

Checking your weight regularly can keep you on track
Maintaining a healthy weight is beneficial for people with AFib. A 2018 study published in Europace, found that obesity is linked to worsening AFib, while weight loss may reverse it. While the study looked at different weight loss ranges in people with obesity, those who lost 10 percent or more of their baseline bodyweight had the best result, with 88 percent of the patients reversing the severity of their AFib. If you weight 200 pounds, losing 10 percent of your body weight would equate to losing 20 pounds.
Keeping a food journal, limiting your snacks to healthy choices, and making an effort to get more physical activity as you are able throughout your day can help you achieve a healthy weight. Regularly checking your weight, recording the readings and tracking it over time can help keep you on track.
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