
Autism and food aversion: how to help your picky eater

Our tips can help you cope with your picky eater and avoid mealtime meltdowns.

boy with autism not wanting to eat food, picky eater
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Kids are notoriously picky eaters. But for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), a finicky appetite can mean something more serious. “[Children with autism] that have food aversions can have inadequate nutrition,” says autism expert and author Chantal Sicile-Kira. “Researchers have found, in particular, an overall low intake of calcium and protein.” SuchShow More

kid terrified of vegetables, picky eater, tantrum
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1. Become an expert on your child.

Just as autism manifests differently in each child, so do food aversions. Some kids may have a problem with the smell or taste of a particular food, while others may only want to eat foods with certain textures or colors. Get to know your child’s specific food issues, and take notes on what foodsShow More

family of two parents and a boy and girl sit around the dinner table eating and laughing
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2. Stick to a schedule.

Regular meals are important for children with autism. “If you let a child eat all the time, they won’t be hungry at mealtime,” says Sicile-Kira. What’s more, a haphazard eating schedule can lead to uneasiness and make food aversions even worse, further delaying your child’s willingness to try newShow More

boy with autism and his brother help their dad make pizza in a messy kitchen
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3. Make trying new foods fun.

Trying to get a child with ASD to eat broccoli for the first time at the table could spell trouble. Instead, think outside mealtime. “Playing with food during play time or down time is how you will get a child to taste new foods,” says Sicile-Kira. She suggests fun activities, like playing catchShow More

preteen girl with autism and mother sit at the dining table serving a large portion of fish sticks and fries and a small portion of yogurt
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4. Test the waters -- slowly.

Start with foods you know your child will tolerate. Give those the most space on the plate, then introduce smaller amounts of new food. Swap in similar substitutes, too: If your child likes crunchy cereals, try a healthier option with a similar texture, like granola. If they get turned off by someShow More

girl with autism sits on the dining table laughing with her dad holding a plate of food trying to cheerfully encourage her to eat
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5. Be flexible. And patient.

You’re going to have good days and bad days. You may have to offer you daughter a banana 30 different times before she decides she wants it, or she may turn up her nose up at a food she just ate yesterday. That’s okay. Try your best to not become overwhelmed. Your child will sense your unease andShow More

mom kissing her son with autism, celebrating that he has chosen a new food for lunch
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6. Celebrate small victories.

Enjoying the smooth texture of a grape or taking a bite of a carrot can be a huge step forward, even if your child decides she doesn’t like it. Use calm praise to encourage her to try again next time. Never try to use punishment or reward systems, warns Sicile-Kira. “Punishing is never effective,”Show More

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