
How can I relieve some soreness from yesterday's basketball workout?

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine
Several modalities have been shown to have some effect on decreasing muscle soreness. Foam-rolling, stretching, and a proper warm-up before you play will improve your mechanics and decrease the stress placed on your muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This leads to less tissue damage and less soreness. Stretching and foam rolling after you play will decrease the muscle hyperactivity and tightness associated with exercise, which can cause discomfort in the days that follow. Light activity, or recovery training can improve the circulation and removal of post-exercise waste products in muscle tissue. Light activity also increases the extensibility of tight, hyperactive muscles. A warm bath and/or cold packs can reduce muscle activity and pain in sore muscles.  If you notice acute (localized to one small area) pain and swelling, it is wise to consult your physician. Acute pain and swelling can be a sign of tissue damage that may require treatment from a physician. Last, if you are sore for more than 3 or 4 days, you worked out too hard. Overtraining can have serious consequences that may affect your athletic performance permanently.
Aaron Nelson
Aaron Nelson on behalf of National Academy of Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine

The best way to help relieve soreness is to do static stretching or use a foam roll over major muscle groups right after a workout and possibly follow that with a cold tub. If you have the facility in which you can get into a cold tub for 10-12 minutes, particularly from the waist down to get the legs some cold therapy, it definitely help with reduce soreness. Using a foam roll prior to the next workout will also help, so when you get ready for the next workout, performing a foam roller routine could be instrumental. If you are really sore and there are some other issues going on you can also use massage therapy to help work on different areas. You can also use a modality that we use called the DMS, deep muscle stimulator, to increase blood flow and get rid of some of the soreness.


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