Health TopicsBrain health and the nervous system

Brain health and the nervous system

Find out everything you need to know about your brain and nervous system.


How to Respond to the Signs of a Stroke
It’s crucial to act quickly before it's too late.


4 Foods Your Brain Will Love
Nourish yourself for better brainpower.


Can You Recognize the Signs of a Stroke?
Quiz yourself to see how well you can recognize the symptoms of a stroke.


Are Multiple Concussions a Problem?
Years ago, experts weren't sure if multiple concussions led to structural damage to the brain. NINDS...


Questions When Starting a New Therapy for CIDP
Understanding the basics of treatment for CIDP, and what to ask a healthcare provider when starting ...


Should You Seek a Second Opinion for CIDP?
Many people with CIDP choose to seek a second opinion. Here are a few questions to ask to help make ...


3 Simple Ways to Boost Your Brain Health
Amp up your brainpower with these expert-approved activities.


Making Sense of the Research on Alcohol and Brain Health
A glass a day may not be so harmless after all. Here's what to know about how alcohol can affect you...


Questions When Choosing a Medication to Treat Epilepsy
Information about choosing an antiepileptic drug (AED), for adults with epilepsy and parents of chil...


9-minute meditation for intracranial hypertension
Intracranial hypertension is a build-up of pressure around the brain. This meditation will help you ...