To achieve weight loss you need to consume less calories than you expend. Eating less can certainly help. However, when people restrict calories too much they often lose lean body mass. A loss of lean body mass is not desired because it weakens the organs and muscles, and also slows down metabolism. Research has also shown that the combination of both diet and exercise leads to much greater weight loss. Exercise also appears to be the best predictor of long-term weight management.
To lose weight, you have to eat less. However, to be healthy it is necessary to also include physical activity. Vitamin PA helps lower blood pressure, cholesterol and reduces the risk of cancer. As a bonus, physical activity reduces appetite and increases mood. It's a win-win.
You can always lose weight by eating less food. Eating less will help you take in fewer calories. When you cut calories you generally start to lose weight. Whenever you eat less you want to make sure the food you are eating is nutritious. Cut out the obvious high calorie culprits like soda, sweets, processed and fried foods.
Continue Learning about Calorie Restriction and Weight Loss
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