
8 ways to enjoy eating during and after chemo

Nutrition strategies for people treating cancer with chemotherapy.

A cafe or bistro sign. The cafe or bistro is open.
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Meals should be your time-out from everything medical—a chance to rest, build your strength and enjoy the company of loved ones. During chemotherapy or after finishing chemotherapy, eating healthy, satisfying foods every day also can help you:

  • Stay strong, both mentally and physically
  • Tolerate your treatments
  • Protect your good cells against damage from chemo
  • Fight cancer
  • Show More
plate of banana slices with peanut butter
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Eat small meals throughout the day

“Large meals can feel overwhelming when you have a poor appetite," says Kelly Kugler, RD, a registered dietitian at Holy Cross Hospital’s Michael and Dianne Bienes Comprehensive Cancer Center in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. "A big plate might make you not want to eat anything, even though you couldShow More

glass dishes full of chicken and rice
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Keep quick-fix meals on hand

When you have unpredictable side effects like nausea or a poor appetite, you never know when you might actually be hungry. Since windows of opportunity may not last long, it helps to have ready-made food on hand.

“Store things that you can grab-and-go, like hard-boiled eggs, string cheese, snackShow More

Hand spooning baking soda into a glass
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Soothe and protect your tender mouth

Chemotherapy can cause mouth sores that make you dread eating even your favorite meals. “To lessen the pain, eat foods at room temperature, instead of very hot or cold,” says Kugler. “Using a straw to direct drinks and broths away from open sores can help too.”

Stay away from rough, dry foods likeShow More

banana smoothie in a glass with a straw
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Drink your way to wellness

Nutrient-rich beverages can help you get the calories and protein you need when solid foods just aren’t possible. Pre-made supplement drinks, shakes and smoothies are great, but there are also delicious recipes you can make at home, says Kugler.

The American Cancer Society offers a list ofShow More

young woman holding a bowl of granola served over yogurt
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Offset daily naps with snack breaks

Feeling completely exhausted all the time is a common side effect of chemo. It can also signal a change in one of your blood cell counts, like your number of red blood cells. So tell your doctor if you feel too tired to eat or complete everyday activities.

Getting enough rest is important butShow More

woman drinking a glass of water
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Don’t let dehydration sneak up on you

Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea can keep you from getting—or keeping down—the fluids you need. And being dehydrated can worsen treatment symptoms, especially exhaustion. Drink one glass of liquid after each episode of diarrhea and sip clear liquids about 30 minutes after vomiting stops. These canShow More

happy couple walking in a park with a dog
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Exercise to up your appetite

It might come as a surprise, but physical activity can actually help you feel less tired and increase your appetite. Adding some exercise to your day, even if you start small, can also:

  • Keep your bowels moving regularly
  • Fight nausea
  • Reduce stress and depression

If you haven’t been feeling up toShow More

young woman enjoying a cup of coffee in front of her laptop
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Eat for better digestion

Cancer treatment, like chemo and medication to manage related pain, can wreak havoc on your bowels; both diarrhea and constipation are common. Specific foods can't completely resolve these issues, but knowing which foods and drinks to choose during these episodes can be helpful.

Getting plenty ofShow More

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