Health TopicsChild health and development

Child health and development

Get the latest information about child development from Sharecare.


Ask Dr. Dom: How can I raise a confident kid?
Child and adult psychiatrist Domenick Sportelli, DO, gives his advice on to instill confidence in yo...


How to get picky eaters to love vegetables
Lots of kids can't stand broccoli and other strong-flavored veggies like cauliflower and kale. That'...


What to know about car seat safety for young children
From infant carriers to boosters, get tips for protecting your kids when you drive.


How virtual violence affects your child
Kids spend hours on average in front of screens each day. Here’s how to help them develop healthier ...


Is my child at risk for high cholesterol?
The first signs of heart disease can start in childhood. Here’s what to look for and how you can hel...


Raising a resilient generation and what to teach your kids
Are we teaching our children to be resilient? Evelyn Minaya, MD, and Juliana Hauser, PhD, weigh in.


Why your kids may prefer shorts during cold months
Kids seem to be impervious to cold.


Self-harm among teens is on the rise–here’s why
Learn who may be at risk and how to spot the warning signs.


How late-night smartphone use affects teens' health
These days it’s increasingly rare to see anyone without a phone. The rise in social media h...


Study finds association between father-to-be's health and newborn's
Studies have shown that fathers should be in good health in ensure a healthy beginning and life for ...