Anxiety and depression

Find out everything you need to know about anxiety and depression including symptoms, treatment, causes, management and more.


Life Unscripted: a typical good day living with major depressive disorder
Erin shares what a typical good day looks like, living with major depressive disorder.


Life Unscripted: a typical hard day living with major depressive disorder
Erin shares what a typical hard day looks like, living with major depressive disorder.


Life Unscripted: how does therapy help Erin with major depressive disorder?
Erin shares how therapy helps her living with major depressive disorder.


Major depressive disorder symptoms
A quick guide to understanding the symptoms of depression.


Do you need to take a mental health day?
Learn how one tweet helped change the conversation—and how to advocate for yourself.


How habits around anxiety are formed
How are habits formed? Watch this short animated video to find out!


Feeling anxious? Try the RAIN practice
This technique can help you remain present and grounded when feeling anxious, stressed or worried.


What you need to know to manage your anxiety
Some people are more prone to anxiety disorders. Learn some different ways to manage it.


6 ways to soothe an anxious child
Learn how to recignize and manage anxiety in children so they can feel better.


Anti-anxiety meds contribute to overdose deaths every year
Combining certain drugs can have dangerous consequences.