
9 things everyone should know about depression (even if you're not depressed)

It can affect anyone, aggravate pain, and worsen heart disease. But that’s not all.

Updated on January 17, 2024

lonely man sitting on a bench
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Despite increased awareness in recent years, depression remains difficult to talk about for many people. The mood disorder, which causes persistent sadness and loss of interest, is common and can affect anyone at any age. In fact, about 18 percent of United States adults report being diagnosed at some point, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Show More

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How much of depression is genetic?

If you are feeling depressed, you may be wondering how your family history plays in. While researchers continue to investigate how much of depression is genetic versus psychological, they do know that heredity can play a role.

“It's not a one-to-one ratio, like if my mom is depressed then I will beShow More

bike, cycling, senior, outdoors, man
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Can anyone become depressed?

Depression can affect anyone at any age, which is part of why awareness is critical. While the condition is linked to genetics and an imbalance of brain chemicals, it's also connected to situational stressors, like the loss of loved ones, relationship problems, and past or current abuse. In fact,Show More

senior, woman, alone, lonely, depression, depressed
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Am I having a few bad days, or is it depression?

Unless you’re superhuman, it’s common to feel sad from time to time. But if you feel sad or have lost interest or pleasure in doing day-to-day activities for two weeks, it might be depression. Some of the other signs include:

  • Feeling unworthy, guilty, or undeserving
  • Little or no energy to engage
  • Show More
stress, headache, work, working, computer, coffee, laptop, eye strain
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How can depression affect me physically?

"Depression can take a toll on your physical health and exacerbates existing health issues,” says Nasche. In many cases, those existing health issues can also worsen depression. These are just a few known ways it works on the body:

  • Depression can aggravate pain, including headaches,
  • Show More
parent, aging, daughter, caregiving, comfort
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How can I tell someone I'm depressed?

Telling someone you have depression can be very difficult, but having the condition doesn’t mean you are weak. Tell your loved one you want to set up some time to chat and be prepared to answer their questions.

Nasche usually sees two types of reactions when her patients tell their loved ones thatShow More

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What treatment is available for depression?

After speaking with your HCP about why you are feeling depressed, you may opt for therapy. There are many types of therapy, and one kind may work better for you than another. Cognitive behavioral therapy, for example, involves structured sessions led by a mental health counselor, who helps addressShow More

child, preteen, counseling, counselor
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How does therapy work?

The number one question Nasche’s patients ask about depression is “How can I feel better?” She answers by relating it to other chronic diseases that must be managed, like diabetes. The condition may require changes in both behavior and lifestyle choices, which therapy can help you manage.

AmongShow More

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Can I do anything to help my depression at home?

Outside of therapy, exercise is another healthy way to help ease symptoms of depression. Exercise releases endorphins, body chemicals that make you feel good. It can also distract you from negative thoughts and give you a sense of accomplishment. Try doing an at-home workout class or going for aShow More

couple, relationship, hands, holding hands
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How can I help a loved one with depression?

Many times, people with depression might not realize they are affected; they might think that their feelings of sadness are normal. “They don’t realize that their functioning could notably improve,” says Nasche. 

If you know someone who may be struggling, encourage them to get help. EmphasizeShow More

Slideshow sources open slideshow sources

Lee B, Wang Y, Carlson SA, et al. National, State-Level, and County-Level Prevalence Estimates of Adults Aged ≥18 Years Self-Reporting a Lifetime Diagnosis of Depression — United States, 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023;72:644–650.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Center for Health Statistics. Depression. Reviewed November 6, 2023.
Chand SP, Arif H. Depression. StatPearls Publishing. January 2023.
National Institute of Mental Health. Depression. Last reviewed September 2023.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Vital Signs: Adverse Childhood Experiences. Updated August 23, 2021.
Mayo Clinic. Depression (major depressive disorder). October 14, 2022.
Frank P, Batty GD, Pentti J, et al. Association Between Depression and Physical Conditions Requiring Hospitalization. JAMA Psychiatry. 2023;80(7):690–699. 
Mayo Clinic. Pain and depression: Is there a link? April 3, 2019.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Diabetes: Diabetes and Mental Health. Reviewed May 15, 2023.
American Heart Association. How Does Depression Affect the Heart? Reviewed June 22, 2021.
You Matter: 988 Lifeline. Talking About Depression. Accessed January 12, 2024.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Depression. Updated April 4, 2023.
American Psychological Association. Overcoming depression: How psychologists help with depressive disorders. Updated March 7, 2023.
American Psychological Association. Depression. Accessed January 12, 2024.
Mayo Clinic. Depression: Supporting a family member or friend. April 5, 2023.
National Health Service (NHS UK). How to help someone with depression. Reviewed August 18, 2022.

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