6 Super Quick and Easy Snack Ideas

Boost energy and stave off hunger pangs with these healthy, ready-in-a-flash mini-meals.

The basic rule of healthy snacking is to increase the protein and fat of your snack and limit the carbohydrate and sugar content. For example, apple slices topped with almond butter provides the fat and protein required to increase and sustain your energy, as opposed to an apple on its own which will only stave off the hunger for under an hour.

By turning your snack into a mini-meal that can fuel you for two to three hours, you will reduce sugar cravings, maintain your energy throughout the day and help stabilize your mood. As nutritious as your snack may be, adequate sleep and hydration are the other required ingredients for sustained energy. Before starting to even think about healthy snacking, focus on getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night and don’t forget to sip your eight glasses of water throughout the day.

Once you’ve incorporated a regular schedule of restful sleep and consistent hydration, try including one of these mini-meals before or after lunch, depending upon your schedule and when you need it most.

  1. Avocado: Depending upon your hunger level and the size of the fruit, half an avocado or a whole, small avocado sprinkled with lemon and sea salt makes an easy and delicious snack that is quick, satisfying and rich.
  2. Eggs: Not everyone is a fan of hard-boiled eggs, but chopped and mixed with arugula or other salad greens and topped with olive oil and balsamic, a hard-boiled egg goes down easy and fuels your body with 6 grams of protein and an array of vitamins and minerals.
  3. Chia seeds: These little seeds pack a powerful punch of protein, calcium and minerals. Chia seed pudding can be as easy as mixing two tablespoons of chia seeds in a 1/2 cup of milk—dairy, almond, hemp or coconut—with a sprinkle of cinnamon, stevia and sea salt. Other add-ins include vanilla, unsweetened cocoa powder, pumpkin pie spice or blended fruit or avocado. Let it sit in the fridge for 30 to 60 minutes to thicken and/or blend in a mini food processor.
  4. Hemp seed: Another great seed to try is hemp seed. It’s easy to mix up your own homemade trail mix of unsweetened coconut flakes, slivered almonds, sunflower seeds, dark chocolate chips, hemp seed and sea salt. Or, sprinkled on top of a salad, three tablespoons of hemp seeds contain 10 grams of protein.
  5. Canned wild salmon: If you can chop a little carrot, onion or pepper into half a can of salmon with a little salad dressing, it makes a protein-rich mini-meal either as a dip for celery sticks or a topping for gluten-free or whole-grain crackers.
  6. Walnuts or pumpkin seeds: One-quarter cup or one handful of walnuts or pumpkin seeds—rich in both protein and healthy omega-3 fats—nuts and seeds are portable, don’t require refrigeration and are convenient to keep in your purse or office drawer.

Learn more ways to reclaim your vitality and improve your everyday performance from integrative medical specialist Frank Lipman, MD. 

Originally published on Dr. Lipman's Be Well Blog.

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