
What are healthy eating habits?

Toby Smithson
Toby Smithson on behalf of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Nutrition & Dietetics Specialist

Healthy eating requires that you get an adequate amount of nutritious foods from each food group. The following suggestions will also reduce your risk for chronic diseases. A few good choices at the supermarket and in the kitchen can make it easier to adopt these healthy eating habits.

  • When choosing grains, make at least half of your grain whole grains.
  • Choose a variety of vegetables to color your plate. They are rich in nutrients, low in calories and their high fiber content will keep you feeling fuller.
  • Include fruit with your meals. Fruits provide nutrients necessary to maintain health and prevent disease, including vitamin C, potassium, folate and dietary fiber.
  • Choose fat-free or low-fat dairy products. These foods will provide vitamin D, calcium, potassium and protein you need without the extra saturated fat.
  • Choose lean meat and poultry. Keep meat portions small (the size of a deck of cards).
  • Eat a handful (one ounce) of nuts (walnuts, pecans, almonds, hazelnuts) a day for fiber, zinc and poly-unsaturated fats.
  • Do not skip meals. Your body needs the fuel, or energy, from food to keep going. Also, skipping meals makes one more likely to overeat at the next one.
  • Make smart beverage choices. Avoid sugary drinks (including juice and juice drinks). Drink plenty of water. If water just won’t do, select low or no-calorie drinks, such as tea.

Remember, the best way to incorporate these healthy eating habits into your own life is to set realistic goals; take one step at a time!

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