
Ebola timeline: tracking a deadly virus

See when and where the Ebola virus has struck over the years.

Updated on May 16, 2024

scientist in protective gear types into a laptop in a lab for ebola research
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With startling regularity, Ebola, a disease that causes deadly hemorrhaging, has made headlines over the past several decades. Ebola disease is caused by a group of viruses known as orthoebolaviruses. The most severe outbreak of Ebola disease was in 2014, when nearly 30,000 people contracted the virus and more than 11,000 died from the disease across the WestShow More

Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire)
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1976: Ebola First Identified

The first person to be diagnosed with Ebola disease showed symptoms after being treated for malaria near the Ebola River in Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo). Of the 318 cases that followed in Zaire that year, nearly all had either received injections at the same hospital or hadShow More

group of macaques
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1989 to 1990: Ebola Strain Is Identified In U.S. Labs

Monkeys imported from the Philippines and infected with Reston virus, a strain of orthoebolavirus, introduced the virus in Virginia, Pennsylvania, and later, Texas. None of the lab workers who came into contact with the animals became sick. More study of Reston virus is needed to understand its dangers to humans.

Panoramic view with parabolic tin roofs and palm trees of the African city of Libreville, capital of Gabon
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1996: Ebola Spreads to South Africa

After eating a chimpanzee found dead in the forest, a group of Gabonese hunters contracted Ebola disease. More people became ill a few months later, again contracting the virus from a dead chimpanzee. One healthcare worker from South Africa treating Gabonese patients fell ill and a nurse treatingShow More

ebola, ebola sign, ebola warning sign, quarantine
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2000 to 2003: Outbreaks Continue

Outbreaks of various strains of orthoebolaviruses occurred in Uganda, Gabon, and Republic of the Congo. Of the 727 reported cases, 478 people died.

nurse in a rural hospital draws the blood of a man to test for ebola
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2014 to 2015: Widespread Ebola Outbreak

Starting in March 2014 and continuing through much of 2015, Ebola outbreaks caused an estimated 11,308 deaths in several African countries, including Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Mali, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Isolated cases spread outside the region, including to the U.Show More

a scientist in a biomedical hazard gown studies a cell culture of a contagious disease
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2017 and Beyond: Ebola Continues to Surface

Despite a lull in 2015 and 2016, Ebola reemerged in 2017 with a relatively small outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, claiming 4 lives. Cases surged again in 2018, however, with two outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, accounting for more than 3,500 cases and an estimatedShow More

Slideshow sources open slideshow sources

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Ebola. Outbreak History. May 6, 2024.

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