Health TopicsMental health and behavior

Mental health and behavior

Find out everything you need to know about mental health, including awareness, services, treatments and more.


What is the key component of success against bullying?
Kids teaching kids gets to the root cause of bullying and is a contributing factor to the success of...


5 ways to calm an overstimulated mind
Mindfulness meditation helps you live in the moment and has been shown to reduce stress.


What are other specified feeding or eating disorders (OSFED)
Mike Dow, PsyD, explains the term "other specified feeding or eating disorders" (OSFED) and describe...


Talking with your child's doctor
Learn the best ways to advocate for your child and work with her doctor to find the best treatment a...


Life Unscripted: a typical good day living with major depressive disorder
Erin shares what a typical good day looks like, living with major depressive disorder.


Life Unscripted: a typical hard day living with major depressive disorder
Erin shares what a typical hard day looks like, living with major depressive disorder.


Life Unscripted: how does therapy help Erin with major depressive disorder?
Erin shares how therapy helps her living with major depressive disorder.


Two common types of pyschotherapy for depression
Counseling can help you cope with clinical depression symptoms.


How stress can affect your heart health
Taking control of your stressors can prevent cardiovascular issues.


Patients: It’s ok to advocate for yourself
In order to diagnose a patient with bipolar disorder, a doctor must have evidence of both the highs ...