Our bodies need a constant supply of energy to function properly to maintain health and internal balance. The food we eat is what provides our cells with the needed energy to survive and function properly. But before food can become a usable form of energy it has to be converted into smaller units called substrates, including carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The energy stored in these substrate molecules is then chemically released in cells and stored in the form of a high-energy compound called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). When the chemical bonds that hold ATP together are broken, energy is released for cellular work (such as performing muscle contraction).
Carbohydrates are the largest contributor to the energy pool. Fat contributes to your energy pool over a wide range of exercise intensities but decreases as you exercise harder because carbs will contribute more. Proteins contribute less than 5 percent of energy used during exercise but contribute to your overall pool during rest. The exception to this is during endurance exercise, when your liver begins to synthesize energy from protein.

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