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If you want to burn more calories in a shorter amount of time, select exercises that utilize multiple joints and larger muscles such as the legs and back. A good example of a full body exercise is the squat to overhead raise. With this exercise, you’re using all the large muscles in your body, and even some of the smaller ones.
To perform a medicine ball squat to overhead raise, grab a set medicine ball and find some open space. Place your feet roughly shoulder width apart and hold the ball just under your chest slightly in front of you. Keeping your stomach and glutes tight, slowly lower yourself through your knees as if you’re going to sit in a chair. Don’t allow your knees to wobble by keeping your glutes, thighs, and stomach tight as you’re lowering. Once at the bottom, hold for a second, and then slowly come back up pushing through your feet and extending your knees. As you reach the top of the squat, press the medicine ball straight up, and over your head. Bring it back down to starting position and repeat. Perform the desired amount of repetitions and sets.
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