
How do I interview an injured or ill person to find out what happened?

American Red Cross
American Red Cross
Remember to first identify yourself and to get the person’s consent to give care. Begin by asking the person’s name. This will make him or her feel more comfortable.

Ask simple questions such as:
*What happened?
*Do you feel pain or discomfort anywhere?
*Do you have any allergies?
*Do you have any medical conditions?
*Are you taking any medication?

Continue asking about their pain:
*Start by asking the person whether the pain is burning, crushing, throbbing, aching or sharp.
*Ask where it is located.
*Ask when the pain started and what the person was doing when it began.
*Ask the person to rate his or her pain on a scale of 1 (mild) to 10 (severe).
American Red Cross, elderly man, need assistance, aid elderly

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