
How should I apply a roller bandage to a wound?

American Red Cross
American Red Cross
  • Secure the end of the bandage in place with a turn of the bandage. Wrap the bandage around the body part until the dressing is completely covered and the bandage extends several inches beyond the dressing. Tie or tape the bandage in place.

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  • Do not cover fingers or toes. By keeping these parts uncovered, you will be able to see if the bandage is too tight. If fingers or toes become cold or begin to turn pale, blue, or ashen, the bandage is too tight and should be loosened slightly.
  • Apply additional dressings and another bandage if blood soaks through the first  bandage. Do not remove the blood-soaked bandages and dressings. Disturbing them may disrupt the formation of a clot and restart the bleeding.

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