Take a break from your chair

Young Happy Businesswoman Doing Fitness Exercise On Yellow Pilates Ball In Office

If you spend large chunks of your day in a sitting position, then listen up: It's time for a break. From your chair.

Whether you're riding in a car, working at a desk or watching TV, you need to break up your repose—and do it often. Get up, walk around, stretch your legs. Do something. Anything. If you don't, your longevity will take a hit. Even if you are a regular exerciser.

Sitting get you down?

Huh? Even if you exercise? You got it. In a 12-year study, folks who sat for most of their day had higher mortality rates. Even if they also exercised for 30 minutes every day, the chair dwellers couldn't bring their mortality rate down to the level of someone who sat for only a quarter of the day. Yikes.

Your sitting solution

So what to do? First, you should still exercise. Among people who sat for the same percentage of time each day, the active people (read exercisers) lived longer than the inactive people. Second, aim for longer periods of activity during your leisure time. The more you sit, the more you should exercise when you're done sitting. Finally, in addition to taking regular breaks from sitting, make the act itself less sedentary with these in-your-chair crunches.

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