Follow these recommendations for how often you can eat fish:
- Bass, freshwater -- as often as you like
- Bass, saltwater -- once a week at most
- Bluefish -- once a week at most
- Catfish -- as often as you like
- Clams -- once a week at most
- Cod, Atlantic -- once a week at most
- Crab, blue -- once a week at most
- Crab, Dungeness -- once a week at most
- Crab, king -- once a week at most
- Crab, tanner -- once a week at most
- Croaker -- once a week at most
- Flounder/sole -- once a week at most
- Grouper -- once a week at most
- Haddock, Atlantic -- once a week at most
- Halibut -- once a week at most
- Herring -- as often as you like
- Lobster, Northern Atlantic or canned, American -- once a week at most
- Lobster, spiny, canned -- once a week at most
- Mackerel, king -- avoid
- Mahi-mahi -- twice a week at most
- Marlin -- avoid
- Moonfish -- once a week at most
- Orange roughy -- avoid
- Oyster -- once a week at most
- Perch, freshwater -- once a week at most
- Perch, ocean -- once a week at most
- Perch, saltwater -- once a week at most
- Pollock -- once a week at most
- Red snapper -- once a week at most
- Sablefish -- once a week at most
- Salmon, Atlantic or Alaskan, line-caught -- as often as you like
- Salmon, farm-raised -- choose line-caught, if possible; once a week at most
- Scallop -- once a week at most
- Shark -- avoid
- Shrimp -- once a week at most
- Sole/flounder -- twice a week at most
- Swordfish -- avoid
- Tilapia -- as often as you like
- Tilefish -- avoid
- Trout, freshwater -- avoid
- Trout, saltwater -- once a week at most
- Tuna, canned -- once a week at most
- Tuna, fresh or frozen -- once a week at most
- Whitefish -- as often as you like

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